History of the creation of the Department
The Department of Inorganic Chemistry has been functioning as part of the Departments of General and Organic Chemistry since 1959. Later in 1963, the Department of General Chemistry was named the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, which in 1964 was divided into the departments of Inorganic and Physical Colloidal Chemistry. In those years, teachers of the Department of General Chemistry in all departments of Natural Sciences conducted lectures, practical and laboratory classes. From 1964 to 1975, the Department of Inorganic Chemistry was headed by Professor S.M. Basitova. In 1964, 11 teachers worked at the department. To date, the heads of the department have been: K.PhD, Associate Professor Yu.B. Liskova (1975-1980), PhD, Associate Professor F.Sh. Shodiev (1980-1985), PhD, Associate Professor L.S. Yusupova (1985-1992), PhD, Professor A.A. Aminjanov (1992-2003), PhD, Professor O.A. Azizkulova (2002 – 2009), PhD, Professor S.M. Safarmamadov (2009- 2012), PhD, Professor, corresponding member. AN RT A.A. Aminjanov (2012-2014). Since 2014, to date, the head of the department is Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Bakhodurov Yu.F. Since 1968, highly qualified scientific personnel have been trained at the department in the specialty of inorganic chemistry. On the basis of the department in 2005, a new specialty was formed – “Chemistry and technology of non-ferrous metals”, in the direction of which specialists were trained. At the same time with scientific research, methodological work is also carried out, which improves the quality of study. On the part of the teachers of the department, 7 textbooks and more than 50 methodological and teaching aids have been published, which are used by students in the process of studying. All teachers of the department are engaged in research work and, in parallel with methodological work, conduct educational work. Including Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Azizkulova O.A. published more than 12 textbooks and textbooks with authorship and co-authorship. Currently, the department has scientific schools of teachers Azizkulov O.A., Safarmadamov S.M. Under their guidance, applicants and postgraduates perform candidate and doctoral dissertations. In addition, the department regularly operates a “Scientific circle of students”. The seminars and councils of this circle involve students of the 1st and 2nd year, in which students enter with interesting reports and improve their knowledge and skills under the guidance of Professor Azizkulova O.A. and other teachers.
Famous scientists of the Soviet Union were invited to the chairs: Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union Alexandra Vasilyevna Novoselova, Professor Natalia Nikolaevna Zheligovskaya, from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor Nail Sibgatovich Akhmetov from the Institute of Chemical Technology Kazan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor, Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia Yuri Nikolaevich Kukushkin and Associate Professor Kim Veniaminovich Kotegov, from the Lensovet Institute of Technology , St. Petersburg and others.
The majority of PhD dissertations of staff and postgraduates of the department, such as I.Sh. Shoymurodov, L.S. Yusupova, F.Khakimov, A.O. Aminjanov, N.K. Kobilov, O.A. Azizkulova, N.A. Shatkovskaya, T.R. Rajabov, K.U. Akhmadov, N.M. Kurbonov, Mahmud Mukhamad Mashali, S.C. Gagieva and others were protected in the scientific centers of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo and Voronezh. In the specialized Dissertation Council of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan F.Sh. Shodiev, Yu.B. Liskova, N.H. Ashurova, K.G. Yakubov, S.M. Safarmamadov, N.A. Verbitskaya, T.M. Nurmatov, R.D. Yurina, Shaikh Abdul Balde, G.V. Bilyukova, N.S. Beknazarova, L.R. Kholikova, E.J. Goziev, N.G. Kabirov, Yu.F. Bahodurov, K.S. Mabatkadamova, M.I. Abdulkhayeva, B.T. Boboeva, U.M. Jurabekov, A.S. Egamberdiev and in the Dissertation Council at the Tajik National University Z.A.Shoedarova, H.S.Davlatova successfully defended their PhD theses. At this time, more than 40 applicants, postgraduates and employees of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry defended their candidate and doctoral works.
In different years, based on the scientific achievements of the department, 14 international conferences “Complex compounds and aspects of their application” were held. In 1990, under the leadership of a corresponding member. The Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, the winner of the Nobel Prize, Gennady Alekseevich Krestov, on the basis of the department and other sections of the University, a joint seminar “Interparticle interactions in solutions” was held. The result of the scientific work of the staff of the department is reflected in more than 60 inventions, patents, as well as more than 3,000 scientific articles that are published on the pages of various joint, international, regional, republican journals. The scientific achievements of Professor A.A. Aminjanov were awarded with a silver-plated badge of the international biographical Center “LEADING Educators of the World” (Cambridge, England).
For more than three decades, teachers, staff and graduate students have been carrying out research on the topic “Synthesis and research of coordination compounds of a number of d-transition metals Re(V), Mo(V), Cu(II), Zn(II), Fe(II) and (III), Hg(II), Ag(I) with sulfur and nitrogen-containing organic ligands” defended their PhD papers. Teachers and staff of the department annually make scientific reports at conferences of various levels (international, regional, republican and intra-university conferences), the ixth International Conference “Problems of solvation and complexation in solutions” (2004 Perm, Russia), international conferences “Valikhan Readings” – (2005 – 2007.Kogshetau, Kazakhstan), Scientific and practical conference “Modern Science chemistry and its practical aspects” (Dushanbe 2006,), International conference “Modern Science: Problems and Prospects” (Dushanbe, 2008) scientific and theoretical scientific conferences of the faculty and students of TNU (annually 1990-2007), including a conference dedicated to the “60th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War” (Dushanbe, 2005), “15 — anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Tatarstan”, “2700th anniversary of the city of Kulyab”, “Year of Aryan Civilization” (2006, Dushanbe), Republican scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of chemistry and Chemical Technology” (Dushanbe, 2009), Republican scientific conference “Modern problems of coordination chemistry” (Dushanbe, 2011), XIII-I International Scientific and Technical Conference “High–tech chemical Technologies” (Ivanovo – Suzdal, 2010), international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of scientific knowledge. New technologies of Fuel and Energy Complex-2017 (Tyumen: TIU, 2017.) The international conference “Problems of Physical and Coordination Chemistry”, the annual international conferences “XV Numanov Readings”, the international conference “Actual problems of modern Physics” (Dushanbe, 2019), the republican scientific and practical conference (with international participation) dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements of D.I. Mendeleev and others. Under the guidance of the teachers of the department, 100 students of different courses took part in international, all–Union, regional and republican conferences in the cities of Novosibirsk, Alma – Ata, Minsk, Samara, Toshkand, Ashkabad, Dushanbe and others based on the results of their scientific work.
Currently, the department employs 16 highly qualified teachers, of which 3 are Doctors of Chemical Sciences, professors: O.A. Azizkulova, S.M. Safarmamadzoda, K.S. Mabatkadamzoda, associate professors: Yu.F. Bahodurov, T.R. Rajabov, N.S. Beknazarova, B.T. Boboeva, M.I. Abdulkhayeva, U.M. Jurabekov, assistants: senior teachers, Ph.D., A.S. Egamberdiev, Ph.D., Muborakkadamov D.A. At the department are currently conducting research: 2 PhD doctors in the specialty and applicants.
Research activities
The main directions of research work:
Coordination compounds of d-transition metals and practical aspects of their application
Synthesis and study of the complexation of rhenium, molybdenum, copper, iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, gold, silver and manganese with styopyrine, 8-hydroxyquinoline and other derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole, thiourea in solutions of H2SO4, NG of different concentrations and some organic solvents. Development of new electrolytes based on synthesized complexes for electroplating metals and their electrochemical polishing. The study of alloys of some metals with rare earth metals. having valuable electrochemical properties. Refining of some precious metals. Synthesis and study of some properties of sodium hydroxide.
Investigation of physico-chemical properties of coordination compounds Mo(V), Re(V), Cu(II), Zn(II), Fe(II), (III) Ag(I), Au(III), Co(II), Ni(II) with thiopyrine, 8-hydroxyquinoline some derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole, thiourea, and other ligands. Synthesis of biologically active coordination compounds, as well as synthesis of oxides, salts, and some coordination compounds by electrochemical method. Polishing of metal products, electrochemically. To obtain sodium gyroxide by electrochemistry. Study of the state diagram of systems based on antimony alloys with rare earth elements.
Synthesis and X-ray phase (X-ray diffraction) study of synthesized some mixed ligand complexes Mo(V), Re(V), Cu (II), Zn (II) and Mn(II) Ag(I), Au(III), Co(II), Ni(II) with thiadiazole derivatives, 1,2,4- triazolthiol, thiopyrine, 8-hydroxyquinoline and other organic ligands. Development of a technology for extracting silver from sludge formed during electrochemical polishing of precious metal products based on thermal decomposition of sludge followed by leaching of precious metals.

Position: head of inorganic department
Academic title: —
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Email: saimuhamad@mail.ru Tel.:+992904348489
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Prepared disciplines: analytical chemistry, (comparison of preparation: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 12 years.
Work experience by specificity: 12 years.
The field of wrist interiors: complexing metals with industrial thioureas
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
INVESTIGATION OF THE THERMOLYSIS PROCESS OF OXOCHLORO-N-ACETYLTHIOUREA COMPOUND STATEMENT (V).Kurbonova F.G., Nizamov M.M., Safarov S.I. Bulletin of the Tajik National University Series of carefully selected Sciences 2020.No.4. pp.261-268. UDC: 547.421.4 ISSN 2143-452X
INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF COMPLEXATION WITH (V) CN-ACETYLTHIOUREA in 5.5 MOL/L HCl AT 318K.Kurbonova F.G., Nizamov M.M., Safarov S.I. Proceedings of Osh Technological University 2/2020 Osh. 2020.pp. 102-107. ISSN1694-660X.
INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF COMPLEXATION statement (V) WITH N,N – DIETHYLTHIOUREA in A MEDIUM OF 4.0 MOL/L HCl AT a temperament of 298k.Kurbonova F.G., Safarov S.I. Murodov K.S. Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Edible Sciences. No.2 (14), 2022. pp.150-163

Position: Professor of the Department
Title: Professor
Degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 938270404
E-mail: sash65@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 212.038.08 on chemical sciences at Voronezh State University.
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic chemistry, General and inorganic chemistry, Chemistry of non-aqueous solutions (Field of study: 1-31050102-CHEMISTRY.);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 41 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 40 years.
Research interests: complexation of transition metals (Re, Cu, Ag, Au, Fe) in aqueous and water-organic solutions.
Scientific internships:
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
COMPLEXATION OF SILVER (I) WITH 1-METHYL-2-MERCAPTOIMIDAZOLE IN WATER-ETHANOL SOLVENT Sodatdinova A.S., Usacheva T.R., Safarmamadzoda S.M. Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Series: Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2022. Vol. 65. No. 8. pp. 22-31.
COMPLEX FORMATION OF H[AUCL4] WITH 2-METHYLIMIDAZOLE Bakhromi D., Safarmamadzoda S.M., Muborakkadamov D.A., Fritskii I.O. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 6. PP. 820-826.
STABILITY OF SILVER COMPLEXES WITH 2-MERCAPTOIMIDAZOLE Bobosaidzoda S.S., Sodatdinova A.S., Safarmamadzoda S.M., Niezov N.N. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. 2021. Vol. 64. No. 11-12. pp. 687-693.
FORMATION OF COMPLEXES OF SILVER(I) AND 2-MERCAPTOBENZIMIDAZOLE IN WATER–ETHANOL SOLUTIONS Safarmamadov S.M., Karimova Z.I., Bakhodurov Y.F., Mabatkadamzoda K.S. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2020. Vol. 94. No. 6. pp. 1119-1124.

Position: Professor of the Department
Academic title: Professor
Degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 935007455
Email: ona-41@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 013.02.01 on Chemical sciences at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic chemistry, General and inorganic chemistry, Chemistry of coordination compounds (Field of study: 1-31050102-CHEMISTRY.);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 60 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 60 years.
Research interests: synthesis and research of coordination compounds of transition metals (Mo, Cu, Zn) with nitrogen and sulfur-containing organic ligands.
Scientific internships:
1987 Internship at the Leningrad Institute of Technology. Lensoveta (Duration of internship-1 month.).
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Abdul’ayeva M.I., Azizulova O.A., Zurabekov U.M., Egamberdiev A.S. Ravandi complex of silkunia molybdenum (V) bo 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole dar muiti 4.5 mol/l NSI vaarorati 328 K (Processes of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole in a medium of 4.5 mol/l NSI and temperatures 328 K) Paemi DonishgoиI millii Toљikiston. Bakhshi ilmњoi tabi 2023. No. 1. -C. 218-229.
Azizkulova O.A., Solekhova G.N., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M. Complexation of copper (II) with 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 4.0 mol/l NSI at a temperature of 288 K. // Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Publication of Sadriddin Aini Tajik State Pedagogical University. Natural Sciences. № 1(10-11). 2021, – Pp. 85-89.
Azizkulova O.A., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M. Synthesis and IR spectroscopic study of coordination compounds of copper (II) with N-acetylthiourea. // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (scientific journal) series of Natural Sciences 2021, No. 1. pp. 157-166.
Azizkulova O.A., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Jurabekov U.M. Formation of coordination compounds of molybdenum (V) with 8-hydroxyquinoline (L) // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (Scientific Journal) series of Natural Sciences 2020, No. 1. pp. 167-181.
Azizkulova O.A., Solekhova G.N., Jurabekov U.M. Complexation of copper (II) with 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 5 mol/L HCI at 273-338 K // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (scientific Journal) series of Natural Sciences 2020, No. 2. pp. 204-215.
Azizkulova O.A., Khamidova F.R., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Abdulkhayeva M.I., Jurabekov U.M. Investigation of the process of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 6 mol/l HCI at 298 K // Izvestiya Osh Technological University. No. 2, -Osh 2020, — From 94-98.
Azizkulova O.A., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M., Solekhova G.N., Egamberdiev A.S. Complexation of copper (II) with N-acetylthiourea in a medium of 6 mol/l HCl at 328 K // Izvestiya Osh Technological University. No. 2, -Osh 2020. -from 98-102.

Position: Associate professor of the Department
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992)935696170
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
at the Institute of Technology named after Lensoveta, St. Petersburg (1988)
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic Chemistry, General and inorganic Chemistry, (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Total work experience: 43 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 43 years.
Research interests: complexation of nickel and cobalt with sulfur-containing organic ligands.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Zafarov S.Z. Synthesis of new derivatives of 3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan based on N-(2-hydroxy-3,5-dinitrophenyl) benzamide / L. Mukhtorov, E. Ivanova, L. Perelomov, M. Nikishina, T. Radjabov, S. Zafarov, I. Shakhkeldyan, Y. Atroshchenko // Journal Results in Chemistry. 2021 (3). 100198.

Position: Associate professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992)935476644
E-mail: nazira64@yandex.ru
Basic education: Chemist- teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01 – Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
D 047.003.01 at the V.I.Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic Chemistry, General and inorganic Chemistry, (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Total work experience: 37 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 37 years.
Research interests: complexation of rhenium, iron and mercury with sulfur-containing organic ligands.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Beknazarova N.S., Shoalifov O. O. Complexation of rhenium (V) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion in hydrobromic acid. Paemi Donishgohi Chorug. ISSN 2664-5696bakhshi 2, 2020. №2. (15). Pp.150-156.
Beknazarova N.S., Nazrullozoda S.S., Khasanov O.K. RaњMatulloev B.N. Study of acute toxicity of Fe(III) complex with thiopyrine // Izvestiya NANT, 2022. -Vol.12. -No.1(141). pp. 91-95.
Khasanov O.K. Study of acute toxicity of Fe(III) complex with thiopyrine / Beknazarova N.S., Atovullozoda R.A., Nazrullozoda S.H., Rakhmatulloev B.K., Rajabov H.I., Khasanov O.K. // Medical Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 1 (41). pp. 91-95.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic title: —
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 900066026
E-mail: abdulhaeva0470@mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemist- teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council DM 047.003.01 on Chemical sciences at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Academic title: Acting Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic chemistry, General and inorganic chemistry, Chemistry of coordination compounds (Field of study: 1-31050102-CHEMISTRY.);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020, 2022)
Total work experience: 36 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 19 years.
Research interests: coordination compounds of molybdenum with nitrogen and sulfur-containing organic ligands in acidic, aqueous and water-organic solutions.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Abdul’ayeva M.I., Azizulova O.A., Zurabekov U.M., Egamberdiev A.S. Ravandi complex of silkunia molybdenum (V) bo 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole dar muiti 4.5 mol/l NSI vaarorati 328 K (Processes of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole in a medium of 4.5 mol/l NSI and temperatures 328 K) Paemi DonishgoиI millii Toљikiston. Bakhshi ilmњoi tabi 2023. No. 1. -C. 218-229.
Azizkulova O.A., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Abdulkhayeva M.I., Khamidova F.R., Jurabekov U.M. Investigation of the complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion in 4.0 mol/L HCI medium at 288 K by potentiometric titration // Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Publication of Sadriddin Aini Tajik State Pedagogical University. Natural Sciences. № 1(10-11). 2021, – Pp. 29-34.
Azizkulova O.A., Khamidova F.R., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Abdulkhayeva M.I., Jurabekov U.M. Investigation of the process of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 6 mol/l HCI at 298 K // Izvestiya Osh Technological University. No. 2, -Osh 2020, — From 94-98.

Position: Associate professor of the Department
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 919553211
E-mail: boboevabarfi@gmail.com
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
D 047.003.01 at the V.I.Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic Chemistry, General and inorganic Chemistry, (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Total work experience: 31 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 31 years.
Research interests: complexation of zinc with nitrogen- and sulfur-containing organic ligands
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Boboeva B.T., Kholikova L.R., Kurbonova M.Z., Murodov D.S. Synthesis study of coordination compounds of zinc (II) with 1,5-diphenylpentadiene-2,4,1-one // Bulletin of the Tajik National University, Series of Natural Sciences. Dushanbe – 2020, No. 4, pp. 232-241.
Boboeva B.T., Kholikova L.R., Kurbonova M.Z., Murodov D.S. Synthesis and IR-spectropic study of coordination compounds of zinc with 1,5-diphenylpentadiene-2,4-1- onom // Bulletin of S.Aini Pedagogical University dedicated to the “30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Tatarstan” and “90th anniversary of S.Aini TPU” on the topic of the current state and prospects of physico-chemical analysis. Dushanbe – 2021, 1(10-11) pp. 298-303.

Position: Associate professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 935436503
E-mail: kimyo84@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist- teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
D 047.003.01 at the V.I.Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic Chemistry, General and inorganic Chemistry, Non-aqueous solvents, Crystal Chemistry, (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Total work experience: 19 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 19 years.
Research interests: complexation of rhenium, cadmium, iron, silver and copper with sulfur-containing organic ligands in solutions
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Safarmamadov S.M., Karimova Z.I., Bakhodurov Y.F., Mabatkadamzoda K.S.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2020. Vol. 94. No. 6. pp. 1119-1124.
Mabatkadamzoda K.S. Complexation of silver (I) with 4-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol/Bulletin of the Tajik National University, series of Natural Sciences, 2021. No. 3. pp.203-212.
Mabatkadamzoda K.S. Complex compounds of Fe(II) and Fe(III) with 4-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol/ K.S. Mabatkadamzoda /Bulletin of the Tajik National University, series of Natural Sciences, 2021.No. 4 p.251-263.
Mabatkadamzoda K.S. Complexation of silver with 1,2,3-benztriazole and 1-furfurilidenamino-1,3,4-triazole at 288-318K./ K.S. Mabatkadamzoda / Polytechnic Bulletin, 2022. 1(57), pp.92-96.
Mabatkadamzoda K.S. Stability of Fe(III) complexes with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-tione in 1 mol/l H2SO4/ K.S. Mabatkadamzoda / Izv. NANT. Ed. phys. — mat., chem., geol. and technical sciences., 2022. – №2 .(187) – Pp.98-105.
Mabatkadamzoda K.S. Stability of 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazolintion complexes of Fe(III) in sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid solutions / K.S. Mabatkadamzoda / Reports NANT., 2022. Vol. 65, No. 1-2. pp. 92-97
Mabatkadamzoda K.S. On the complexation of Au with some sulfur-containing ligands / K.S. Mabatkadamzoda / Bulletin of the Pedagogical University, 2022. – №1 (13). – Pp.116-120.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic title: —
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 918960660, 903048600
E-mail: ubaid011002@mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemist-technologist.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 047.003.02 on chemical sciences at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Academic title: Acting Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Inorganic Chemistry, General and inorganic Chemistry, (Field of study: 1-31050101-APPLIED CHEMISTRY.);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020, 2022)
Total work experience: 19 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 12 years.
Research interests: coordination compounds of molybdenum, copper and zinc with nitrogen and sulfur-containing organic ligands in acidic, aqueous and water-organic solutions.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Abdul’ayeva M.I., Azizulova O.A., Zurabekov U.M., Egamberdiev A.S. Ravandi complex of silkunia molybdenum (V) bo 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole dar muiti 4.5 mol/l NSI vaarorati 328 K (Processes of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole in a medium of 4.5 mol/l NSI and temperatures 328 K) Paemi DonishgoиI millii Toљikiston. Bakhshi ilmњoi tabi 2023. No. 1. -C. 218-229.
Azizkulova O.A., Solekhova G.N., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M. Complexation of copper (II) with 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 4.0 mol/l NSI at a temperature of 288 K. // Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Publication of Sadriddin Aini Tajik State Pedagogical University. Natural Sciences. № 1(10-11). 2021, – Pp. 85-89.
Azizkulova O.A., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M. Synthesis and IR spectroscopic study of coordination compounds of copper (II) with N-acetylthiourea. // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (scientific journal) series of Natural Sciences 2021, No. 1. pp. 157-166.
Azizkulova O.A., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Jurabekov U.M. Formation of coordination compounds of molybdenum (V) with 8-hydroxyquinoline (L) // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (Scientific Journal) series of Natural Sciences 2020, No. 1. pp. 167-181.
Azizkulova O.A., Solekhova G.N., Jurabekov U.M. Complexation of copper (II) with 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 5 mol/L HCI at 273-338 K // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (scientific Journal) series of Natural Sciences 2020, No. 2. pp. 204-215.
Azizkulova O.A., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M., Solekhova G.N., Egamberdiev A.S. Complexation of copper (II) with N-acetylthiourea in a medium of 6 mol/l HCl at 328 K // Izvestiya Osh Technological University. No. 2, -Osh 2020. -from 98-102.

Position: Senior lecturer of the Department
Title: —
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 927141104
E-mail: Aziz.2288@mail.ru.@mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemist-technologist.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 047.003.03 on chemical sciences at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Academic title: Senior lecturer
Subjects taught: Inorganic chemistry, General and inorganic chemistry, (Field of study: 1-31050102-CHEMISTRY.);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 16 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 12 years.
Research interests: coordination compounds of molybdenum with nitrogen and sulfur-containing organic ligands in acidic and aqueous organic solutions.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Abdul’ayeva M.I., Azizulova O.A., Zurabekov U.M., Egamberdiev A.S. Ravandi complex of silkunia molybdenum (V) bo 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole dar muiti 4.5 mol/l NSI vaarorati 328 K (Processes of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole in a medium of 4.5 mol/l NSI and temperatures 328 K) Paemi DonishgoиI millii Toљikiston. Bakhshi ilmњoi tabi 2023. No. 1. -C. 218-229.
Azizkulova O.A., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Abdulkhayeva M.I., Khamidova F.R., Jurabekov U.M. Investigation of the complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion in 4.0 mol/L HCI medium at 288 K by potentiometric titration // Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Publication of Sadriddin Aini Tajik State Pedagogical University. Natural Sciences. № 1(10-11). 2021, – Pp. 29-34.
Azizkulova O.A., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Jurabekov U.M. Formation of coordination compounds of molybdenum (V) with 8-hydroxyquinoline (L) // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (Scientific Journal) series of Natural Sciences 2020, No. 1. pp. 167-181.
Azizkulova O.A., Khamidova F.R., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Abdulkhayeva M.I., Jurabekov U.M. Investigation of the process of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 6 mol/l HCI at 298 K // Izvestiya Osh Technological University. No. 2, -Osh 2020, — From 94-98.

Position: Senior lecturer
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 501219086
E-mail: m.i.davron@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-technologist.
Subjects taught: Inorganic Chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry.
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020-2023)
Total work experience: 20 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 20 years.
Research interests: complexation of gold(I), (III) with nitrogen and sulfur-containing organic ligands.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Bahromi D., Safarmamadov S.M., Fritsky I.O., Muborakkadamov D.A. / Complexation of H[AuCl4] with 2-methylimidazole// Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, volume 66, No. 6 2021, pp. 721-728
Safarmamadzoda S.M., Kurbonbekov, D.S., MuborakkadamovD.A. / Influence of temperature on the stability of 2-ethylimidazole Au (III)// From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-by-Step, 3(3), pp. 116-122 [online]. Available at: http: // chemintech.ru / index. php/tor/2022tom3no3
Safarmamadzoda S.M., Kurbonbekov J. S., Muborakkadamov D.A., Sodatdinova A.S. / Interaction of H[AuCl4] with 2-ethylimidazole at 298K / Vesnik TNU, Series of Natural Sciences 2022. No.3. pp. 293-301.
D. Bakhromi, S.M. Safarmamadov, D.A. Muborakkadamov / Complexation of gold (I) with 2-methylimidazole Izv. higher. studies. institution. Chemistry and Chemical engineering – Ivanovo, 2023. No. 4. From 27-34

Position: Head of the Laboratory
Degree: —
Contacts: (+992) 204248989
E-mail: odiljon006@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-technologist.
Subjects taught: Inorganic Chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry.
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 41 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 40 years.
Research interests: investigation of corrosion-electrochemical behavior of aluminum-based alloys.
The most important publications:
Nazarov, O.N. Potentiodynamic study of corrosion-electrochemical behavior of Zn0.5Al alloy with barium, in a neutral medium / O.N. Nazarov, I.N. Ganiev, Z.R. Obidov, F.A. Rakhimov // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences. – 2019. – No. 3. – pp. 176-182.
Nazarov, O.N. Oxidation of zinc alloy Zn0.5Al doped with strontium in a solid state / O.N. Nazarov, Z.R. Obidov, I.N. Ganiev, Yu.F. Bahodurov // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences. – 2020. – No. 4. – pp. 208-216.
Obidov, Z.R. High-temperature and electrochemical corrosion of Zn0.5Al alloy doped with calcium in various media (High Temperature and Electrochemical Corrosion of Zn0.5Al Alloy Doped with Calcium in Various Media) / Z.R. Obidov, R.Amini, O.N. Nazarov, I.N.Ganiev, etc. // Izvestiya vuzov. Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Russian Journal Chemical & Chemical Technology).– 2020. – Vol. 63. – Issue 11. – pp. 20-26.
Nazarov, O.N. The effect of barium additives on the corrosion behavior of zinc alloy Zn0.5Al / O.N. Nazarov // Bulletin of Pedagogical University, Natural Sciences. – 2022. – № 2(14). – Pp. 173-177.