History of the creation of the department
By order of the Rector of the Tajik National University dated September 4, 2020 No. 395-6, changes were made to the structure of the chemical Faculty of the university. According to this order, on the basis of the Department of “High Molecular compounds and Chemical Technology (year of creation: 1992).” the Department of “Technology of Chemical Production” was created by the faculty. The need to create this department was that along with the specialty 48010300 — chemical technology of natural energy and carbon materials of the department, the specialty 48010100 — chemical technology of inorganic substances, materials and products was transferred from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry to this department. According to the State Classifier, both specialties receive the profession of “Chemical Engineer-technologist”.
During its existence, the department was headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Kimsanov B.H. (1992-2004), Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate Professor I.O. Zokirov A.M. (28.02.2004-06.2004), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Karimov M.B. (2004-2008), Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate Professor I.O. Beknazarova N.S. (2008 -2010), Ph.D., Associate Professor Radzhabov S.I. (2010 -2014), Ph.D., Associate Professor Tagoeva S.E. (2014-2018), Ph.D., Professor Samikhov S.R. (2018-present)
The department was created in order to form students’ fundamental knowledge in the field of the theory of chemical technology of inorganic substances and oil and gas, as well as general professional disciplines in the specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances, materials and products” and “Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials”. The Department of Chemical Production Technology is the profile department of the Faculty of Chemistry and performs the following functions: provides training sessions in the disciplines assigned to the Department – lectures, seminars and practical classes in accordance with the academic load and according to the approved plan, provides advice to students on the subjects taught, performs intermediate and final certification of students in the form of tests and exams based on the results of mastering the educational material, organizes and regularly monitors the independent work of students, including homework, term papers, performs educational and methodological the work that ensures the conduct of the educational process at a high level, carries out educational work among students.
Research activities
The main directions of research work:
Investigation of physical and chemical characteristics of the average fraction of oil in Tajikistan. Preparation of the average fraction and concentrates of heteroatomic compounds by extraction with sulfuric acid.
Physico-chemical study of the composition of the initial and final products of the enrichment of phosphorus-containing raw materials. The study of the physico-chemical properties of the obtained simple and complex fertilizers.
Technology of synthesis of coordination compounds of molybdenum, copper and zinc by electrochemistry.
Recycling of precious metals from jewelry industry waste. Synthesis and investigation of a complex compound of Cu(II) and Fe(III) in nitric acid solutions.
Research technology of synthesis of activated carbon by thermochemical activation in the presence of alkalis.
Development of distillation, extraction and emulsion semi-industrial technological scheme for the production of medium fraction and heteroatomic compounds from oil and their compositions.
Technology of solid household waste processing.
Technology of extraction of copper, zinc and silver in the form of complex compounds. Technology of extraction of molybdenum, copper, zinc and silver from natural raw materials.
Synthesis of new organic compounds based on petroleum products-epichlorohydrin and glycerin. Synthesis and research of new derivatives of 1,3,-dioxalanes with furfural residues. Synthesis, transformation and study of physico-chemical properties of new derivatives of glycerol aminoesters containing dialkylaminoethanol residue.
Preparation and publication of textbooks on various sections of chemical technology (general chemical technology, enrichment of useful components, fertilizer technology, gyro and pyro metallurgy, oil and gas refining, etc.).
Educational activities:
The department is a graduate and trains specialists in the specialty — “Chemical technology of inorganic substances, materials and products” and “Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials”. Graduate qualification – Bachelor – chemical engineer-technologist, chemical technologist.
The training of students of public law disciplines is based on the principle of prompt response to the needs of practical activities, primarily in the field of legal support of public administration, it is for this purpose that new training courses are constantly being developed and implemented at the department. The acquisition by students of the state-legal disciplines of the specialty is carried out by providing the department with a cycle of the following main disciplines:
Bachelor’s degree (full-time and part-time department)
General professional disciplines:
General chemical technology.
Processes and devices.
Specialized subjects:
1. Fundamentals of mineral processing technology;
2. Chemical technology of inorganic substances;
3. Chemical technology of metals;
4. Fundamentals of scientific research;
5. Technology of single crystals, materials and products;
6. Chemical technology of inorganic acids;
7. Production of mineral fertilizers;
8. Chemistry of the oil industry;
9. Chemical safety in production;
10. Chemistry of bitumen and asphalt;
11. Chemistry of natural energy resources and carbon materials;
12. Technology of oil and gas production.
Optional subjects:
1. Theory of hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes;
2. Physico-chemical methods and synthesis of inorganic compounds;
3. Control system of chemical-technological and economic processes;
4. Technology of salt extraction and processing;
5. Technology of production of silicate substances;
6. Oil technologies;
7. Technology of primary and complete processing of oil and gas;
8. Catalysts in the oil and gas industry;
9. Chemistry of natural compounds;
10. Chemistry of coal.
Master’s degree (full-time department) direction “Chemistry”
General core disciplines:
1. Modern methods of synthesis of biologically active substances;
2. Organic chemistry processes;
3. Theory of acidity and acidity of organic compounds.
PhD doctoral program in the direction of “Technology of inorganic substances”.
1. Sulfuric acid production;
2. Production of coagulants from local minerals;
3. Production of nitrogen fertilizers;
4. Sorbent processing technology;
5. Coal ash processing;
Centers, offices, laboratories:
The department has educational and scientific laboratories, a materials preparation room, as well as an auditorium with innovative cognitive training technologies: video lectures, slides, video conferences, testing to provide students and teachers with modern types of software and electronic resources to improve the efficiency of the educational process.
Doctoral and postgraduate studies:
The department works with PhD students in the specialty 6D072000 “Technology of inorganic substances”.
The work done by the department on the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel:
1. Defense of the doctoral dissertation of Samikhov Sh.R. on the topic: “Scientific foundations of technology for processing stubborn and poor gold-bearing ores of Tajikistan”, Dushanbe, V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry, NANT. April 4, 2018, specialty 05.17.01 – technology of inorganic substances.
3. Gulov A.A. is a postgraduate student of the department. Research topic: “Synthesis based on amino acid-peptide derivatives of glycerin with fullerene C60”. The estimated protection period is 2023.
4. Ruziev B.T. is a postgraduate student of the department. Research topic: “Synthesis, transformations and study of physicochemical and biological properties of new glycerol aminoester derivatives containing dialkylaminoethanol residues”. The estimated protection period is 2023.
International cooperation:
The scientific and educational activities of the department are carried out in close cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and institutes. Including the Department of the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, the Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Osimi, the State Scientific Institution “PIT Scientific and Industrial” of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Agency for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, as well as with the Institute of Complex Problems of Subsoil Use of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCON RAS), a branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Dushanbe, Samara Technical University Of the Russian Federation, a branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Dushanbe, the Russian National Research Technological University (MISIS) and a number of manufacturing enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan have mutually beneficial scientific cooperation.
The composition of the department

Position: Head of the Department
Academic title: Acting Professor
Degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences
E-mail: samikhov72@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.17.01 – technology of inorganic substances. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council 6D.KOA-007 at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
Academic title: Acting Professor
Subjects taught: Technology of precious metals, Fundamentals of mineral processing technology, (Training area: 1-48010100 — Chemical technology of inorganic substances, materials and products);
Data on professional development:

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Email: R.Shuhrat.Kh@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemical Engineer.
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences in specificity 02.00.04-Physical Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 047.003.01 at the Nikitin Wire Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
High-rise disciplines: Chemistry of the oil industry, Chemistry of bitumen and asphalt, Extraction and gas technology (Training area: 1-48010300-Chemical technology of receiving energy carriers and coal materials);
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions in the research of the National University on the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2018)
Total work experience: 12 years.
Work experience by specificity: 12 years.
The field of wrist interiors: inorganic production technologies, oil refining technologies.
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
Investigation of the process of obtaining hydrochloric acid and technical soda using intermediate mineral cheese and saturated acid / Rajabov G.H., Abual E. “Message of the Pedagogical University” of the Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S.I. No.3-4 (11-12), 2021. pp. 361-366.
Application of secondary solid waste after acid discharge as active mineral water / Rajabov G.H. “Message” of Dangara State University. number 4 (18), 2022. pp. 6-14.

Position: Senior preparatory teacher
Academic title: —
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
E—mail: shoedarova.2011@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 047.003.01 at the Nikitin Wire Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Senior drugs
High-rise disciplines: Physico-chemical methods and synthesis of inorganic compounds, a control system for chemical-technological and economic processes (for example, preparations: 1-48010100-Chemical technology is not working, material and products)
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions in the research of the National University on the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 16 years.
Work experience by specificity: 16 years.
The field of wrist interiors: coordination compounds of transition metals in acidic, aqueous and water-organic plants.
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
IR SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES OF 1,2,4-TRIAZOLYTIC IRON (II) COMPLEXES. Mabatkadamzoda K.S., Safarmamadzoda S.M. Shedarova Z.A. In the book: XXVIII Mezhevskaya Conference on coordination wiring. Collection of abstracts of the XVIII Intergovernmental conference”Spectroscopy of coordination compounds”, V Youth School-conference”Physico-chemical methods in the wire of coordination compounds”. Moscow, 2021. p. 409.
COMPLEXATION OF JELLY (II) AND JELLY (III) WITH 1,2,4-TRIAZOLTHIOL IN A MEDIUM OF 1 MOL/L HCL AT 273-318K. Turmamadov S.M. Shedarova Z.A. Mabatkadamova K.S. Bulletin of the Voronezh University. Episode: Chemistry. Biology. Pharmaceuticals. 2017. No. 1. PP. 37-42 .
COMPLEX FORMATION OF JELLY(N) WITH 1,2,4-TRIAZOLTHIOL-5 IN A MEDIUM OF 5 MOL/L HCL. Shedarova Z.A. Aminjanov A.A., Safarmamadov S.M. Mabatkadamova K.S. Bulletin of Perm University. Episode: Chemistry. 2016. No. 1 (21). pp. 51-59.

Position: Senior preparatory teacher
Academic title: —
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
E-mail: davlatovakh@mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemical engineer-technologist.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council 6D.KOA-.003 at the Tajik National University
Academic title: Senior drugs
Raised disciplines: single crystal production technology, Chemical technology of inorganic substances (for example, preparation: 1-48010100 — Chemical technology of inorganic substances, materials and products);
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions in the research of the National University on the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 16 years.
Work experience by specificity: 12 years.
The field of wrist interiors: coordination compounds of transition metals in acidic, aqueous and water-organic plants.
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
Davlatova H.S. Investigation of the process of complexation of copper (II) with N-acetylthiomachia in a medium of 6 mol/l NSL at 273-338 K/Bulletin of the Research University. Series of edible Sciences. 2022. No. 1. pp. 263-274
Azizkulova O.A., Solekhova G.N., Davlatova H.S. Jurabekov U.M. Complexation of copper (II) with 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 4.0 mol/l NSI at a temperature of 288 K. // Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Description of Sadriddin Tajik State Pedagogical University at the present time. Edible Sciences. № 1(10-11). 2021, – Pp. 85-89.
Azizkulova O.A., Davlatova H.S. Jurabekov U.M. Synthesis and IR spectroscopic studies of the coordinate compound of copper (II) with N-acetylthiourea. // Bulletin of the Educational University (niche journal) series of carefully selected sciences 2021, No. 1. pp. 157-166.

Position: Assistant of the department
Academic title: —
Degree: —
E-mail: amridinjon@mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemist-Engineer. Technologist.
Academic degree: —
Previous rank: Assistant
High-rise disciplines: Petrotechnology, chemistry of receiving energy resources and individual materials, chemistry of coals (for example, preparation: 1-48010300-Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and angular materials);
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions in the research of the National University on the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 13 years.
Work experience in specificity: 13 years.
The field of wrist interiors: Synthesis based on amino acids-peptide derivatives of glycerin with fullerene C60
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
Gulov, A.A. Synthesis of amides of esters of fullerene-C60 thiophosphoric acid (Synthesis of amides of layered esters of fullerene-C60-thiophosphoric acids) National University Trail of Tajikistan. (Bulletin of the Tajik National University.) Dushanbe-2022 / no.3. The Natural sciences sector. – S 283-289.
Rajabov S.I. Ismoilzoda S.S. Gulov A.A. Mustafakulova R.A. Study of the reaction of 2-chloromethyloxirane with some L-tyrosine esters (study of the interaction of 2-chloromethyloxirane with some L-tyrosine ether) National University of Tajikistan (Bulletin of the Research University.) – Dushanbe-2020 / No. 1.- S 182-192.
Gulov A.A. Rakhabov S.And the reaction of the compound of fullerene C60 with some amino acid bonds of glycerin (The binding reaction of fullerene C60 with some amino acid-producing glycerines) Payem of the National University of Tajikistan (Bulletin of the Research University.)- Monday, 2020 / No. 3 .The natural sciences sector. – S 259-268.

Position: Assistant of the department
Academic title: —
Degree: —
E-mail: firuzaha @mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemist- teacher.
Academic title: Assistant
Subjects taught: Production of inorganic acids, Theory of pyrometallurgical processes, General chemical technology (Field of study: 1-48010100 — Chemical technology of inorganic substances, materials and products);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 32 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 19 years.
Research interests: coordination compounds of transition metals in acidic, aqueous and water-organic solutions.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Khamidova F.R. Taњiќi potenciometry complexњosilkunii molybdenum (V)bo 1,2,4-triazolthiol dar muњiti 5 mol/l nsivaњarorati 328 K//Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences. 2022. No. 3. pp. 257-269.
Azizkulova O.A., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Abdulkhayeva M.I., Khamidova F.R., Jurabekov U.M. Investigation of the complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion in 4.0 mol/L HCI medium at 288 K by potentiometric titration // Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Publication of Sadriddin Aini Tajik State Pedagogical University. Natural Sciences. № 1(10-11). 2021, – Pp. 29-34.
Azizkulova O.A., Khamidova F.R., Egamberdiev A.Sh., Abdulkhayeva M.I., Jurabekov U.M. Investigation of the process of complexation of molybdenum (V) with 1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 6 mol/l HCI at 298

Position: Lecturer of the department
Title: —
Degree: —
E-mail: ruzieb_7474@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-teacher
Academic degree: —
Academic title: —
Subjects taught: General chemical technology, Technology of organic substances, Chemical technology and modeling, Process and apparatus of chemical technology (Field of study: 31050102 — Chemistry, 31050101-Applied chemistry, 4810300 -chemical technology of natural energy sources and carbonaceous materials);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020, 2022)
Total work experience: 30 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 21 years.
Research interests: Synthesis, transformations and study of physico-chemical and biological properties of new glycerin derivatives
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Synthesis and research of 1-(n,n-dialkylamino)-3-(2′- n,n-dialkylaminoethoxy)-propanols-2. Ruziev B.T., Karimov M.B., Olimov R.A. Materials of the III International Scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Development of chemical science and their applications” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the memory of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, corresponding member of NANT, Professor Kimsanov Buri Khakimovich (10.11.2021). pp. 108-114.
Synthesis and study of derivatives of 1-chloro-3-alkoxy-2-propanones Rasulov S.A., Ruziev B.T., Karimov M.B. Erov.M.E. Materials of the III International scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Development of chemical science and their applications” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the memory of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, corresponding member of NANT, Professor Kimsanov Buri Khakimovich (10.11.2021). pp.128-133.
Synthesis and investigation of derivatives of 1-chloro-3-alkoxy-2-propanones. Rasulov S.A., Erov.M.E., Ruziev B.T. Materials of the Republican scientific and theoretical conference (with international participation) on the topic “Application of innovative technologies in the teaching of natural sciences in secondary schools and higher educational institutions” dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the periodic table of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev. Dushanbe – 2019. pp. 259-263.// Izvestiya Osh Technological University. No. 2, -Osh 2020, — From 94-98.

Position: Assistant of the department
Title: —
Degree: —
E—mail: gulry-s@mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemist- teacher.
Academic degree: –
Academic title: Assistant
Subjects taught: Theory of hydrometallurgical processes, General chemical technology, Chemical safety in production (Training area 31050102 — chemistry, 31050101 — applied chemistry, 4810300 — chemical technology of natural energy sources and carbonaceous materials);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience:18 years old.
Work experience in the specialty:18 years old.
Research interests: coordination compounds of transition metals in acidic, aqueous and water-organic solutions.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Azizkulova O.A., Solekhova G.N., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M. Complexation of copper (II) with 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 4.0 mol/l NSI at a temperature of 288 K. // Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Publication of Sadriddin Aini Tajik State Pedagogical University. Natural Sciences. № 1(10-11). 2021, – Pp. 85-89.
Azizkulova O.A., Solekhova G.N., Jurabekov U.M. Complexation of copper (II) with 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolthiol in a medium of 5 mol/L HCI at 273-338 K // Bulletin of the Tajik National University (scientific Journal) series of Natural Sciences 2020, No. 2. pp. 204-215.
Azizkulova O.A., Davlatova H.S., Jurabekov U.M., Solekhova G.N., Egamberdiev A.S. Complexation of copper (II) with N-acetylthiourea in a medium of 6 mol/l HCl at 328 K // Izvestiya Osh Technological University. No. 2, -Osh 2020. -from 98-102.