In 1963, the Department of General Chemistry was renamed the Departments of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry and Physical and Colloidal Chemistry. Since 1965, this Department has been divided into the Department of Analytical Chemistry and the Problem Laboratory of Rare and scattered Elements.To date , the heads of the department have been: Novikov A.I. (1963-1966), PhD, Associate Professor Pirogova T.A. (1965-1967), PhD, Associate Professor F.Sh. Shodiev(1980-1985), PhD, Associate Professor Omelchenko E.D. (1968-1969), PhD, Associate Professor Pometun E.A. (1969-1979), PhD.PhD, Associate professor Vakhobova R.U. (1979-1989), PhD, Associate professor Rustamov S.R. (1989-1994), Ph.D., Associate Professor Vakhobova R.U. (1994-2007), Ph.D., Associate Professor Sherov K.M. (2007-2011), Ph.D., Associate Professor Shodieva S.F. (2011-2016); Ph.D., Associate Professor Husainov A.D. (2016-2022). From 2022 to this day, the head of the department is Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor K.M. Sherov.
The department will train highly qualified scientific personnel in the specialty “Chemist. Teacher”. On the basis of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, a new specialty “Physico-chemical methods and devices for product quality control” has been opened since 2013, which trains specialists in the specialty “Certification Engineer”.
The following outstanding scientists gave lectures and seminars at the department: academicians Alimarin I.A., Zolotov Yu.A., Karpov Yu.A., professors of Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University Ogasyan, Ivanov V.M., Mayranovsky S.G., Lvov B.P., Fadeeva V.I., etc.
The teachers of the department have published 6 textbooks and 16 methodological manuals, which are used by students in the process of studying. To date, the following scientific work is being carried out: development of instrumental, highly sensitive, express methods for determining traces in natural objects (water, mineral raw materials, soil), rocks, pure metals (Al,Ba,Ca,Sr) and their alloys, analysis of food products. The following research methods are used to carry out scientific work: atomic emission spectrometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy, flame photometry, spectrophotometry, polarography, potentiometry, conductometry, etc. methods. Along with the above methods, concentration and separation methods are also used, which allow the accumulation of rare and scattered elements, for example, M, W, Cr, Ag, Os, Pd, Pt, when analyzing various objects.
From 1970 to 1992, work was carried out on the basis of economic contracts that were concluded with enterprises in the cities of Moscow, Zelenograd, Isfara. Studies were conducted to determine 18 components: Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, Sb, Bi, S, N2, O2, Ag, Au, Co, Ni, Ti, etc. in especially pure metal aluminum and its alloys (Al, Ca, Ba, Sr, Al — Si, Al – Si – Ti, BaF2, CaF2, etc.).
A branch of the Analytical Chemistry department was opened in the experimental production facility at the Nikitin Institute of Chemistry in the village of Kondarabyl, in the laboratories of which spectral, mass spectral, X-ray spectral and polarographic devices were functioning, on which analyses were performed. The methods developed in Kondar were implemented in the laboratories of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Isfara. For the development of a technology for obtaining high purity aluminum, R.U. Vazobova became a laureate of the State Prize named after AbualiibniSino. The main executors of economic contracts were senior researchers: Shatkovskaya N.A., Sharipov I.H., RakhmonberdievaJ., Pshenichnikova G.V.; engineers: Atabaev H., Vlasova A.S., Subkhankulov Z.M., Khamzayeva G.Ch, Sherov K.M., Prudius G.V., etc.
The ionomers developed by M.J. Monberdiev can detect fluoride nitrate ions in water and food items. Also developed by RakhmonberidevymaJ. ozonators for water disinfection are used in polyclinics of Tajikistan, Russia and Uzbekistan.
To date, the department employs 12 highly qualified teachers, 9 of whom are candidates of Chemical Sciences, associate professors: K.M. Sherov, H.A. Husainov, S.F.Shodieva, M.T.Norova, G.Ch.Khamzayeva, F.Sh.Kurbonova, senior teachers, Candidates of Chemical Sciences: Sodatdinova A.S., Bobokalonov T.B., Safarov S.I.; assistants:I.S.Idiev, O.K. Khasanov, S.S. Gadoev. Along with the teachers of the department, there are also employees and laboratory assistants: head of educational laboratories Davlatshoeva N.A., senior laboratory assistants: Toshboltaeva , Kudratova Sh., Olimzoda E and engineer of the department Eraji Sh.
Research activities
The main directions of research work:
The research work of the department is carried out on the topic: “Analytical control of environmental objects and technical materials”. The scientific supervisor of this topic is K.M. Sherov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Scientific research in this direction is conducted in three sections:
1. Optical methods of analysis – supervisor, PhD, Associate Professor Sherov K.M. Performers: Gadoev S.Sh., Bobokalonov T.B., Khasanov O.K., Safarov S.I.
2. Electrochemical methods of analysis – supervisor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Sherov K.M. Performers: Husainov A.D., Amzayeva G.Ch., Norova M.T., Kurbonova F.Sh., Sodatdinova A.S., etc.
3. Methods of concentration and separation – supervisor, PhD, Associate professor Shodieva S.F. Performers: Sodatdinova A.S., Idiev I.Sh.
Educational activities:
The department is a graduate and trains specialists in the specialty – 31050102 – “Chemist-teacher”. Graduate qualification – Chemist-Teacher, Bachelor — Chemist, masters – Chemist-Teacher, as well as specialists in the specialty 54010300 – Physico-chemical methods and devices for product quality control – qualification – Certification Engineer, Bachelor.
The training of students of the specialty of Chemist-Teacher on the basis of the Department of Analytical Chemistry is carried out in the following main disciplines:
Bachelor’s degree (full-time and part-time department)
General professional disciplines:
Modern history of Tajikistan
Political Science
Specialty rights
Scientific religious studies
Tajik language by specialty
Russian language by specialty
Foreign language by specialty
Information technology
Economic geography of Tajikistan from the basics of demography
Higher Mathematics
Basic teaching skills
Methods of teaching chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Economic theory
Profile disciplines
Analytical Chemistry
Physical chemistry
Chemistry of high molecular weight compounds
Methods for solving chemical problems
General chemical technology
Methods of physical research
Colloidal chemistry
Special courses
Master’s degree in the direction of “Chemist-Teacher”
General profile disciplines:
Philosophy and scientific methodology
Pedagogy and psychology of higher educational institutions
Foreign language
Computer science (in the direction)
Selective disciplines
Fundamentals of theory and aspects of analytical chemistry
Mathematical methods in chemical processes
Solution theories and chemical organic processes in fullerene and NK chemistry
Modern methods of synthesis of biologically active substances
Pedagogical practice
Research work
Research practice
Final state certification
Centers, offices, laboratories:
The department has educational laboratories (head of laboratories Davlatshoeva N.A.), as well as research laboratories for carrying out scientific works of masters, applicants and for completing course and graduation papers of students necessary to improve the efficiency of the scientific and educational process.

Head of the department of analytical chemistry
BOBOKALONOV TOJIDDIN BAROTMAKHMADOVICH, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Academic Consultant (adviser) first degree full-time
Phone number: +992 918 15 70 26
Bobokalonov Todzhiddin Barotmakhmadovich. He was born on May 28, 1989 in Khorasan district. His specialty: Chemist. Teacher. Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In 2012, he graduated from the Tajik National University (TNU) with an excellent diploma. Postgraduate student of the correspondence Department of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Chemical Faculty of TNU (2014-2018). In 2012, after graduating from the Chemical Faculty of the Tajik National University, at the request of the Chemical Faculty of TNU and the direction of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, he was hired as an assistant at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Tajik National University.
Labor activity. In 2009-2012 he worked as a mining technician in the “Central Laboratory” of the Main Department of Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, in 2011-2012 he was a chemistry teacher at MTMU No.79 named after Dushanbe, from 2012-2021 assistant of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, from 2015-2016 associate professor of the Department of Chemistry of MTMU No. 23 named after Dushanbe, in 2015-2021 head of scientific a circle of students of the Department of Analytical Chemistry called “Analyst”, in 2018-2021. head of the Faculty of Chemistry, in 2016-2021. junior researcher at the IIT DMT, from 17.03. From 2021 to 27.08.2022. he worked as a second-level academic consultant at the full-time Department of the Faculty of Chemistry (with the retention of 0.5 percent of the assistant of the Department of Analytical Chemistry). From 08/27/2022 to the present, he has been working as an academic consultant of the 1st level at the full-time Department of the Faculty of Chemistry (with the retention of 0.5 percent of the Candidate of Chemical Sciences, assistant of the Department of Analytical Chemistry).
From 2014 to 2018, he studied at the correspondence graduate school of the Tajik National University, and in 2021 defended his PhD thesis on “Complex compounds of iron(III) with thiosemicarbazidome and 1-formyl-3-thiosemicarbazidome”. — “Complex compounds of iron(III) with thiosemicarbazide and 1-formyl-3-thiosemicarbazide” and awarded the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences. T.B. Bobokalonov is the author of 23 scientific papers, 1 methodological manual and 1 curriculum.
In 2014, 2017, 2019 and 2021 from the advanced training and retraining course of the MTOK under the Ministry of Education and Culture, and in 2018 from the advanced training course of the state institution “Republican University of Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers” on “The introduction of a competency-based attitude in the field of natural sciences and information technology” passed, received diplomas and certificates.
Bobokalonov T.B. he has more than 10 years of experience as a teacher and has a good job in the field of education. Throughout his career, he conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes with students of the Faculties of Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, geology, biology and physics who have good pedagogical abilities. He is a modest and kind person, takes his work seriously and is demanding of his students. Has good relations with teachers and students, actively participates in public affairs of the faculty and the university.

Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Phone number: +992917415762
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.02-Analytical Chemistry. The decision of the Council at the State Research and Projective Institute redcometally promıshlndet “Giredmet”
Academic title: Associate Professor
Prepared disciplines: Analytical chemistry, Physico-chemical methods of analysis(comparison of preparation: 1-31050102-Chemistry. 54010300-physical-chemical methods and methods of experience control);
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 40 years.
Work experience by specificity: 40 years.
The area of found firewalls: the development of a methodology for the analysis of Vieshev and materials
Scientific stacks:
Scientific firm” Volta ” Analytical control systems.
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
Suyarov K. DJ. Lolaev S.G. Sherov K.M., “Thermodynamics of chetırehloristım silicon chlorination with carbon”Bulletin of the Research University. Scientific Journal No. 4, Monday 2020. pp.189-193.ISSN 2413-452X.
Sherov K.M. Lolaev S.G., СуяровК.DJ . Investigation of the purification condition of carbon tetrachloride. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Scientific Journal No. 2, Monday, 2021. pp. 241-245 .ISSN 2413-452X.

Position: head of analytical section
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Sciences
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D047.003.02 at the Nikitin Wire Institute
Academic title: Associate Professor
Prepared disciplines: Analytical chemistry, Physico-chemical methods of analysis (comparison of preparation: 1-31050102-CHEMISTRY.54010300-physical-chemical methods and methods of experience control);
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on the qualifications of trainees, the most important acquisitions at the organizational national University on request “Credit System information” (2018)
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “English” (2023)
Total work experience: 18 years.
Work experience in specialization: 18 years.
The field of wrist interiors: complexation of transition metals with industrial thioureas.
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
INVESTIGATION OF THE THERMOLYSIS PROCESS OF OXOCHLORO-N-ACETYLTHIOUREA COMPOUND STATEMENT (V).Kurbonova F.G., Nizamov M.M., Safarov S.I. Bulletin of the Tajik National University Series of carefully selected Sciences 2020.No.4. pp.261-268. UDC: 547.421.4 ISSN 2143-452X
INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF COMPLEXATION WITH (V) CN-ACETYLTHIOUREA in 5.5 MOL/L HCl AT 318K.Kurbonova F.G., Nizamov M.M., Safarov S.I. Izvestiya Osh Technological University 2/2020 Osh. 2020.pp. 102-107. ISSN1694-660X.
INVESTIGATION OF THE COMPLEXATION PROCESS statement (V) WITH N,N – DIETHYLTHIOUREA in A MEDIUM OF 4.0 MOL/L HCl AT a temperament of 298k.Kurbonova F.G., Safarov S.I. Murodov K.S. Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Edible Sciences. No.2 (14), 2022. pp.150-163

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
tel. 93 807 37 01
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01 – Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council 047.003.01 at the V.I.Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Analytical chemistry, Separation and concentration methods (Training area: 1-31050102-Chemistry, 54010300-Physico-chemical methods and devices for product quality control);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 29 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 28 years.
Research interests: sorption of elements of the chromium subgroup by inorganic sorbents under conditions of hydrolysis and complex formation.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Tel.: 904386404
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01 – Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
D 047.003.01 at the V.I.Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 34 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 34 years.
Area of scientific interests: sorption of precious metals with inorganic and organic sorbents

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Tel.: 93-559-87-98
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
D 047.003.01 at the V.I.Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
Subjects taught: Analytical chemistry, Physico-chemical methods of analysis, Organic reagents in analytical chemistry (Field of study: 2-31050102-Chemistry);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 25 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 12 years.
Research interests: electrochemistry, corrosion and electrochemical characteristics of aluminum-based alloys
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
1. Ganiev, I.N.The influence of scandium additives on the temperature dependence of the heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of aluminum-magnesium alloys / I.N. Ganiev, M.T. Norova, B.B. Eshov, N.F. Ibrokhimov, S.Zh. Ibrokhimov// Physics of Metals and Metallology. 2020. –Vol.121.- No. 1. –From 51-58.
2.Norova, M.T. Potentiodynamic study of the corrosion-electrochemical behavior of the alloy AMg0.2 doped with scandium, yttrium and lanthanum in the medium of the electrolyte NaCl / M.T. Norova, I.N. Ganiev, B.B. Eshov, B.S. Narziev// Izvestiya Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. -2020. -Vol.20. -No. 1. -p.30-36.
3. Ganiev, I.N. The effect of yttrium additives on the temperature dependence of the heat capacity and changes in the thermodynamic functions of aluminum-magnesium alloys of the AMg2, AMg3 and AMg4 grades/ I.N. Ganiev, M.T. Norova, N.F. Ibrokhimov, S.Zh. Ibrokhimov // Proceedings of the XXIM. scientific.- practical conference “Metallurgy-2019”. -Novokuznetsk. -2020. -p.250-255.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Email: Н
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.04-Physical Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 047.003.01 on Chemical sciences at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Academic title: docent
Subjects taught:Analytical chemistry, Physico-chemical methods of analysis, Organic reagents in analytical chemistry. (Field of study: 2-31050102-CHEMISTRY.);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2006)
Total work experience:41 years old.
Work experience in the specialty:27 years old.
Area of scientific interests:Electrochemical methods of analysis.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Khamzayeva G.Ch., Shodieva S.F., Zukhurova M.A., Rachinskaya G.F., Photometric determination of silicon in aluminum alloys // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. – Dushanbe, 2020. – No. 4. – pp. 216-224.

Position: Senior assistant
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Prepared disciplines: analytical chemistry, (comparison of preparation: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 12 years.
Work experience by specificity: 12 years.
The field of wrist interiors: complexing metals with industrial thioureas
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
INVESTIGATION OF THE THERMOLYSIS PROCESS OF OXOCHLORO-N-ACETYLTHIOUREA COMPOUND STATEMENT (V).Kurbonova F.G., Nizamov M.M., Safarov S.I. Bulletin of the Tajik National University Series of carefully selected Sciences 2020.No.4. pp.261-268. UDC: 547.421.4 ISSN 2143-452X
INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF COMPLEXATION WITH (V) CN-ACETYLTHIOUREA in 5.5 MOL/L HCl AT 318K.Kurbonova F.G., Nizamov M.M., Safarov S.I. Proceedings of Osh Technological University 2/2020 Osh. 2020.pp. 102-107. ISSN1694-660X.
INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF COMPLEXATION statement (V) WITH N,N – DIETHYLTHIOUREA in A MEDIUM OF 4.0 MOL/L HCl AT a temperament of 298k.Kurbonova F.G., Safarov S.I. Murodov K.S. Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Edible Sciences. No.2 (14), 2022. pp.150-163

Academic title: Senior assistant
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Tel.: 938136656
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council E 047.003.01 at the S.I.Nikitin Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Prepared disciplines: Analytical chemistry, (comparison of preparation: 31050102-Chemistry, 54010300-physical-chemical methods and methods of experience control);
Total work experience: 12 years.
Work experience by specificity: 12 years.
Research area: complexation of silver with imidazole derivatives in the valley and water-organic plants
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
Sodatdinova A.S., Safaramadzoda S.M.Acid-base properties of 1-methyl-2-mercaptomoidazole. Vestnik TNU. 2021. №1. C. 145-157.
Sodatdinova A.S. Abdurakhmonov B.F.Thermodynamics of complex formation of ad (I) with 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. A series of carefully selected sciences. 2020.Monday.idz. center. No. 4. pp.301-310.
Sodatdinova, A.S., Usacheva, T.R. Turmamadzoda, S.M. complexation of Silver (I) with 1- methyl-2-mercapromidazole in the solvent hoda-ethanol / A.S.Sodatdinova, T.R. Usacheva, S.M.Safaramamadzoda / / News about possible acquisitions. Series: Chemistry and chemical technology. -2022. – Volume. 65.- No. 8. – S22-31.
Sodatdinova, A.S. Complex compounds with 1-methyl-2-mercamidazole: installation, thermodynamic properties, practical application / A.S. Sodatdinova, S.M.Safarmamadzoda / / Izv. NANT. Ed. FIS. Matt. chem. geol. I Tech. sciences’. — 2021. -№1 (182).- S 90- 99.
Sodatdinova.A.S. Solvatation 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole-dimethylsulfoxide antifreeze. Bulletin of the Pedagogical University (TGPU). Monday 2022. pp.120-125.
Surai S.B., Sodatdinova A.S., Safarmamadzoda S.M., Saidov S.S. Wet compound plants on acid-base and complex properties of 2-mercamidazole. UDC: 541.4: (4546.74.2+548.736) Bulletin of RNU 2022. pp.326-339.
Suray, S.B.; Sodatdinova, A.S.; Safarmamadzoda, S.M. Installation of complexes of silver with 2-mercaptloimidazole. Academic Report of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Monday 2022. Vol.46, No. 11-12. pp. 687-693.

Position: assistant of the department
Basic education:Chemistry teacher
Subjects taught: Analytical chemistry. Physico-chemical methods of analysis (Field of study: 1-31050102-CHEMISTRY.54010300-Physico-chemical methods and devices for product quality control);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience:10 years old.
Work experience in the specialty:10 years old.
Area of scientific interests: development of methods for the analysis of substances and materials
Scientific internships:
Scientific and technical firm “Volta” Analytical control systems.

Position: Assistant of the department
Tel.: 985164849
Basic education: Chemistry teacher
Prepared disciplines: analytical chemistry, (comparison of preparation: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Total work experience: 10 years.
Work experience in specialization: 7 years.
Field of scientific research: complexation of jelly (III), with organic ligandamive water and organic plant.
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
1.Investigation of the complexation process in the jelly(III)–1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion–6mol/L HCI system: acetone potentiometric method/ O.K. Khasanov, N.S. Beknazarova / / ISSN1812-3368. Bulletin of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the series eats rooted sciences. Moscow (Scopus ((Preview)).-2020.-№5.- S 83-96.
2. Potentiometric study of the complexation of jelly (III) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion in solution (5:1) / O.K. Khasanov / / Bulletin of the Educational University, a series consisting of sciences.-No. 1/1.- Monday, (Sinai).-2022.- S234-242.
3. Study of islands of the Fe(III) complex with thiopyrin / N.S. Beknazarova, R.A.Atovullozoda, S.H.Nazrulllozoda, B.K.Rakhmatulloev, H.I.Rajabov, O.K. Khasanov / / Medical Bulletin of the National Academic Sciences of Tajikistan. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 1 (41). pp. 91-95.

Position: Assistant of the department
Tel.: +992985639704
Subjects taught: Analytical Chemistry, (Field of study: 2-31050102-Chemistry);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 8 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 8 years.
Research interests: electrochemistry, corrosion and electrochemical characteristics of zinc-based alloys
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
The influence of scandium on the electrochemical potentials of the zinc alloy TSAM g 4.5-2, in the medium of the electrolyte NaCl / Idiev I.Sh.// Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Natural sciences. 2020.№1-2(5-6).Pp.166-170