E-mail: h.Odina-90@mail.ru
Tel.: 985164849
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Prepared disciplines: analytical chemistry, (comparison of preparation: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Total work experience: 10 years.
Work experience in specialization: 7 years.
Field of scientific research: complexation of jelly (III), with organic ligandamive water and organic plant.
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
1.Investigation of the complexation process in the jelly(III)–1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion–6mol/L HCI system: acetone potentiometric method/ O.K. Khasanov, N.S. Beknazarova / / ISSN1812-3368. Bulletin of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the series eats rooted sciences. Moscow (Scopus ((Preview)).-2020.-№5.- S 83-96.
2. Potentiometric study of the complexation of jelly (III) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion in solution (5:1) / O.K. Khasanov / / Bulletin of the Educational University, a series consisting of sciences.-No. 1/1.- Monday, (Sinai).-2022.- S234-242.
3. Study of islands of the Fe(III) complex with thiopyrin / N.S. Beknazarova, R.A.Atovullozoda, S.H.Nazrulllozoda, B.K.Rakhmatulloev, H.I.Rajabov, O.K. Khasanov / / Medical Bulletin of the National Academic Sciences of Tajikistan. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 1 (41). pp. 91-95.