The Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry was organized in September 1964 . She became an independent department from the Department of Inorganic and Physcolloid Chemistry of the Chemical Faculty of TSU. The organizer and the first head of the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry was Yakubov Hamid Mukhsinovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior lecturer (later Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor).
In different years, the department was headed by: Yakubov Hamid Mukhsinovich (1964-1975gg), Mansurov Marat Marufovich (1975-1980 and 1985-1998), Yusufov Zuhuriddin Nuriddinovich (1980-1985 and 2003-2010; during the official business trip of Yusufov Z.N. at Kabul University, the duties of the head of the department in 1981-1985 were temporarily performed by Offengenden Evsey Yakovlevich) , Suyarov Kurbon Juraevich (1998-2003 and 2010-2014), Davlatshoeva Jahongul Asankhonovna (2014-10.01.2019), Fayzulloev Erkin Fatkhulloevich (10.01.2019-01.09.2019). Since February 28, 2020, the head of the department is Ph.D., Associate professor Davlatshoeva J.A.
The research work of the department was carried out jointly with recognized scientific centers of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, with the staff of scientific schools of academicians Nikolsky B.P., Spitsin V.I., Flerov G., Kukushkin Yu.N., Zelentsov V.V., professors Salnikov Yu.I., Glebov A.N., Turte K.I., Dyatlova N.M. and Kostromina N.A.
The educational process at the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry is successfully combined along with research, methodological and educational work. The department provides the educational process at the chemical, biological, geological and pharmaceutical faculties in the subjects of physical chemistry, colloidal chemistry, quantum chemistry, the structure of matter, physical research methods, physical and colloidal chemistry, special courses on the profile of scientific work of the department and subjects of students’ choice in the existing specialties of the faculty.
The activity of the department is aimed at training specialists in the field of physical and colloidal chemistry, teachers of general education, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, researchers in the field of chemistry, scientific and production workers of industrial institutions and industrial enterprises, organizational and managerial workers in institutions of general education, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.
The Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry is the profile department of the Faculty of Chemistry and performs the following functions: provides training sessions in the disciplines assigned to the department – lectures, seminars and laboratory classes in accordance with the academic load and according to the approved plan; provides advice to students on the subjects taught, carries out intermediate and final certification of students in the form of tests and exams based on the results of the development of educational material, organizes and regularly monitors the independent work of students, including their homework, term papers, carries out educational work among students, performs educational and methodological work that ensures the conduct of the educational process at the proper level.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, 9 full-time teachers work at the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry (1—Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor; 5 – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor; 1- Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior lecturer; 1- Candidate of Chemical Sciences, assistant and 1- assistant) and 2 part-timers (n.i.h., senior lecturer). The department has 5 undergraduates, 3 PhD doctoral students and 3 applicants engaged in research activities. Since 2018-2022, 3 PhD theses have been defended at the department.
Currently, the teaching staff, graduate students and staff of the department carry out scientific work in the field of “Chemistry and chemical technology”, the problem of “Coordination chemistry and local raw materials” and the topic “Study of model parameters of coordination compounds of transition metals, natural objects of the Republic of Tatarstan and aspects of their application”. The faculty and staff of the department, with their inherent responsibility, successfully work in the training of highly qualified chemical specialists for our country.
Research activities
The main directions of research work
Investigation of the complexation process in the Si(Hg) – Cu(II) – ascorbic acid system at a temperature of 298 K at various ionic forces. Determination of the composition and number of complexes formed.
Preparation of chemical models of complexation of Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn (II), Mn(IV) with acetate ion at 298 K. Determination of the composition and stability constants of complexes.
pH-metric study of acid–base properties of L –valine at 350C. Determination of possible ionic forms of L – valine in its solutions in the pH range 3.0-12.0.
Calculation of thermodynamic parameters of thermal decomposition of walnut pericarp extracts.
Investigation of the process of complexation of Fe(III) with thiourea at 298K in a medium of 2 mol/l HSI. Determination of the number of connecting ligands to the central atom and the values of constants by the Bjerrum method.
Study of thermodynamics of Fe(III) complexation processes in the Fe(II) – Fe(III) – Na(H)NO3– H2O system. Calculation of thermodynamic parameters (DN, (DS, DG) of Fe(III) complexation processes in the system.
Study of the process of complexation of zinc and tryptophan at different temperatures in an aqueous medium. The influence of temperature on the stability of complex compounds. Determination of the tryptophan ionization constant in an aqueous medium and construction of a diagram of the distribution of tryptophan ionic forms and complex forms.
Investigation of the equilibria of complexation of Ad+ with thiourea derivatives. Study of the influence of temperature on the constants of their stability.
Study of the processes of complexation of Re(V) with N — methylthiourea in a medium of 5 mol /l HCl. Determination of thermodynamic values of the complexation process.
Search for areas of practical applications of Cu(II) coordination compounds with ascorbic acid, Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn (II), Mn(IV), Zn(II) with acetate ion and amino acids. Pharmacological properties of coordination compounds of silver and copper with tryptophan and isoleucine.
Preparation of reports and publication of textbooks on various sections of physical and colloidal chemistry, monographs on scientific research, implementation of the results of scientific work in the educational process.
Educational activities:
The Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry is a graduate department and trains specialists in the specialty — “Chemist. Chemistry teacher”. Graduate qualification – Bachelor — chemist, Master –chemist.
The training of students of chemical disciplines is based on the principle of training scientific, scientific-pedagogical and scientific-production personnel for the needs of practical activity, primarily in the field of organic chemistry, it is for this purpose that new training courses are constantly being developed and implemented at the department. The acquisition of chemical disciplines by students of the specialty is carried out by providing the department with a cycle of the following main disciplines:
Bachelor’s degree (full-time and distance learning)General professional disciplines:
Physical chemistry;
Colloidal chemistry;
Physical methods of research.
Profile disciplines:
Chemistry of coordination compounds;
Modeling in the process of complex formation;
pH -metric in complex formation;
Physico-chemical properties of surfactants;
Spectrophotometry in complexation.
Elective disciplines:
Structure of the substance;
Quantum mechanics and quantum Chemistry;
Fundamentals of nanochemistry;
Chemistry of gases and liquids.
Magistracy (full-time department) direction “Chemist. Chemistry teacher”
General core disciplines:
Theory of solutions;
DPV: Absorption electron spectroscopy.
Doctorate PhD direction “Chemist. Chemistry teacher”
General core disciplines:
Methodology of scientific research;
Basic Chapters of Physical Chemistry;
Complex compounds of transition metals.
Profile disciplines:
Physics and chemistry of non-aqueous solutions;
Modeling of chemical processes;
Oxredmetry and oxidative function;
Physical bases of sorption processes.
Centers, offices, laboratories:
The department has educational and scientific laboratories, a preparation room, as well as an audience with innovative cognitive learning technology: video lectures, slide lectures, video conferences, testing to provide students and teachers with modern types of software and electronic resources necessary to improve the efficiency of the educational process.
Doctoral studies:
The department is working with applicants in the specialty 02.00.04 “Physical Chemistry” and PhD students in the specialty 6D060600-Chemistry (04- Physical Chemistry).

Position: Head of the Department, Associate Professor
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
E-mail kfk1964@mail.ru
Basic education:
Academic degree:
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01 – Inorganic Chemistry. The dissertation was defended at the meeting of the Specialized Council D 063.37.03 at Kazan State Technological University, 12.04.1994
Subjects taught:
Physical Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics and quantum Chemistry, Structure of matter, Fundamentals of Scientific research, Chemistry of coordination compounds, Methodology of scientific research, Modeling of complex formation processes (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry).
Data on professional development:
— Diploma No. 2688 of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University dated 16.05.2019 in the direction of information and communication technologies.
-Diploma No. 3674 of the Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University dated 18.02.2020 in the direction of natural sciences-chemistry.
Total work experience: 34 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 34 years.
Research interests: Physical chemistry, Chemistry of coordination compounds, Chemistry of solutions
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Rakhimova M. Theoretical foundations of the Clark-Nikolsky oxidative potential method (Textbook) /M.Rakhimova, E.F. Fayzullozoda, J. A.Davlatshoeva, A.S. Mametova. -Dushanbe: “ER-graf”, 2020.-312c.
Kimiei physicist va colloid. Kitobi darsa /L.N.Udratova, A.A.Davlatshoeva, N.Suyarov, A.P.Belyaev, N.B.Saidov, Dushanbe: “ER-graf”, 2019.-656c.
Oxredmetric determination of the composition and stability of coordination compounds in homogeneous systems / G.B. Eshova, M. Rakhimova, J.A. Davlatshoeva, M.B. Zhorobekova // Methodical manual. TNU.-Dushanbe, 2021. — 72 p.
Processes of Complex Formationin an Fe(II)–Fe(III)–H2Sal–C2H5OH–H2O System /J. A. Davlatshoeva, G. B. Eshova, M. Rakhimova. F. Miraminzoda // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 48–54
Investigation of complex formation in the Fe(II)-Fe(III)-CH3COOH-H2O system by oxredmetry / M. Rakhimova, J.A. Davlatshoeva, Sh.S. Emomadova, G.B. Eshova, F. Miraminzoda, M.B. Zhorobekova // Journal of Physical Chemistry.–Vol.96, No. 12, 2022.-P.1732-1738.
The effect of temperature on the stability of complex compounds Re(V) with N-ethylthiourea in a medium of 6 mol/l NSI/ F. J. Jamoliddinov, S. M. Safarmamadzoda, J. A. Davlatshoeva // Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2021. Vol. 95. No. 8. pp.1175-1179.
Study of the composition and model parameters of complexes formed in the Fe(II)-Fe(III)-ascorbic acid-water system / J.A. Davlatshoeva, M. Rakhimova, G.B. Eshova // 1st International Scientific Conference “Modern Materials Science: Topical Issues, Achievements and Innovations (ISCMMSTIAI-2022)”. –Tashkent (March 4-5, 2022).
Study of complexation processes in the Fe(0)-Fe(N)-ascorbic acid-water system at 298 K / H.A. Mukhammadieva, J.A. Davlatshoeva, L.V. Kvyatkovskaya, M.Rakhimova //Izvestiya Osh Technological University, 2/2020. -pp. 87-94.

Longitude: Professor of the Department
Academic title: Professor
Degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences
E-mail: muboshira09@mail.ru
Basic formation:
Academic degree:
Doctor of Chemical Sciences in specialization 02.00.01 – Inorganic Chemistry and 02.00.04-Physical Chemistry dissertation defended in dissertation advises Institute of Inanimate Plants Ivanovo RF, 24.10.2013
Prepared dispiplines:
Physical chemistry, Quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry, The structure of matter, fundamental research, chemistry coordination compounds, Methodology of wrist research, Modeling of complex formation processes (for example, podovki: 1-31050102-Chemistry).
Total work experience:51 years old.
Work experience by specificity: 51 years.
Research interests: Physical chemistry, chemistry of coordination compounds, chemistry of passages
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
Rakhimova M. Theoretical foundations of the Clark-Nikolsky oceanic potential method (Textbook) /M.Rakhimova, E.F. Fayzullozoda, J. A.Davlatshoeva, A.S. Mametova. -Monday: “ER-graf”, 2020.- 312c.
Intermediate determination of the state and installation of coordinate connections in homogeneous systems / G.B. Eshova M. Rakhimova, J.A. Davlatshoeva, M.B. Zhorobekova / / Methodological support. TNU.- Monday, 2021. – 72 P.
Monograph. General complexing properties of isoleucine and tryptophan / M.M.Rakhimova M.On.Boboev, E.F.Fayzulloev, K.D. Suyarov, U.H.Boboev, Dushanbe:”TNU Printing House”, 2020.- 108s.
Processes of Complex Formationin an Fe(II)–Fe(III)–H2Sal–C2H5OH–H2O System /J. A. Davlatshoeva, G. B. Eshova, M. Rakhimova. F. Miraminzoda // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 48–54
The study of complex formation in the Fe(II)-Fe(III)- CH3COOH-H2O oxredmetry method / M. Rakhimova, J.A. Davlatshoeva, G.S. Emomatova, G.B. Eshova, F. Miraminzade, M.B. Zhorobekova / / Physical transaction log.- Vol. 96, No. 12, 2022.- S1732-1738.
Study of the setup and model parameters of complexes formed in the Fe(II)-Fe(III)-ascorbic acid-century system / J.A. Davlatshoeva, M. Rakhimova, G.B. Eshova // 1st International Scientific Conference”Modern Materials Science: Topical Issues, Achievements and Innovations (ISCMMSTIAI-2022)”. – Tashkent (March 4-5, 2022).
Study of complexation processes in the Fe(0)-Fe(N)-ascorbic acid-coda system at 298 K / H.A. Mukhammadieva, J.A. Davlatshoeva, L.S. Kvyatkovskaya, M. Rakhimova / / Izvestiya Osh Technological University, 2/2020. – S 87-94.
Coordination compounds of surface ions with norleutsin in aqueous solutions / cd.J.Suyarov, M.On.Boboev M.Rakhimova message of the Pedagogical University. The natural sciences sector. Monday, – 2021. № 1(10-11). – S 40-46
Formation of glycinate complexes of jelly(II) at various ionic forces of plants / M. Rakhimova, G.B. Eshova, J.A. Davlatshoeva, L.S. Kvyatkovskaya, F. Miraminzoda / / Physical transaction log. 2020, volume 94, No. 8. – S 1179-1184.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: (+992) 938569669
E-mail: e120286@inbox.ru
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.04-Physical chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
E 047.003.01 at the S.I.Nikitin Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Associate Professor
Prepared dispiplines: Physical Chemistry, Physical and colloidal chemistry, The Structure of Omnipresence (introduction of preparation: 1-31050102-CHEMISTRY);
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are the most important acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “edible sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 14 years.
Work experience in specificity: 13 years.
The field of wrist interiors: Hydroxyl complexation of Fe(III) on various electrolytic lanterns in aquatic plants
Scientific stacks:—
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
Samadov A.S., Mironov I.S., Kaziev G.Z. Cherednichenko A.D., Fayzullozoda E.F., Stepnova A.F. Journal of Inorganic Wire. 2022. VOL. 67. No. 10. PP. 1453-1458.
Samadov A.S., Mironov I.S. Cherednichenko A.D., Kaziev G.Z, Fayzullozoda E.F., Stepnova A.F. Journal of Physical Wiring. 2022. Vol. 96. No. 6. pp. 860-865.
Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.D. Kuzmenko A.N., Plakatnaya O.N. Kuzen A.S., Fayzulloev E.F. Bulletin of the Moscow University. Episode 2: Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 62. No. 2. pp. 152-157.
Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.D., Kaziev G.Z, Fayzullozoda E.F., Stepnova A.F. Journal of Physical Wiring. 2021. Vol. 95. No. 9. pp. 1385-1389.
Fayzullozoda E.F. Rakhimova M. Ismoilova M.A. News of Osh Technological University. 2021. No. 2-2. pp. 25-32.
Fayzullozoda E.F. Rakhimova M., Davlatshoeva J.A., Boboev M.On. Kabutarshoeva N.On. Bulletin of the Pedagogical University. Edible sciences. 2021. NO. 1-2 (9-10). PP. 175-180.
Rakhimova M., Faizulloev E., Mametova A., Gafforova H., Askalieva N., Dzhumanazarova A., Zhakypova G., Abdullayeva Z. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 73. No. 7. pp. 1077-1085.
Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.D., Fayzulloev E.F. Kuzen A.S. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. A series of carefully selected sciences. 2020. No. 1. pp. 200-207.
Rakhimova M., Boboev M.On., Suyarov K.D., Fayzulloev E.F., Boboev U.H. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. A series of carefully selected sciences. 2020. No. 2. pp. 226-238.
Suyarov K.J. Lolaev S.G., Fayzulloev E.F. Sherov K.M. 2020. No. 3. pp. 189-198. The message of the National University of Tajikistan. The natural sciences sector. 2020. No. 3. pp. 189-198.
Fayzullozoda E.F. Rakhimova M. Ismoilova M.A. News of Osh Technological University. 2020. No. 2. pp. 117-125.

Post: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: E-mail: kurbon.suyarov.1958@mail.ru
Basic education: Chemist-teacher
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry, Council at the All-Union Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and Especially Pure Chemicals dated 11/22/1989, HM No. 021341.
Subjects taught:
Physical Chemistry, Physical research methods, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Chemistry, Chemistry of coordination compounds, Fundamentals of Electrochemical Production, Theory of solutions, Gases, Liquids and Solids, Physics-Chemistry of non-aqueous solutions (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry).
Data on professional development:
-Certificate No. 658 of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University dated 20.12.2012.
-Diploma No. 2067 of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University dated 12/24/2018.
Total work experience: 43 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 43 years.
Research interests: Physical chemistry, Chemistry of coordination compounds, Chemistry of solutions
Scientific internships:
-Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Chemistry.
-All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and Especially Pure Chemicals, department “Complexes”.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Textbook. Kimiei physicist va colloid /L.N.Sudratova, N.A.Davlatshoeva, N.Suyarov, A.P.Belyaev, N.B.Saidov, Dushanbe: “ER-graf”, 2019.-656c.
Monograph. General complexing properties of isoleucine and tryptophan / M.M.Rakhimova, M.U.Boboev, E.F.Fayzulloev, K.D. Suyarov, U.H.Boboev, Dushanbe: “TNU Printing House”, 2020.- 108c.
Thermodynamics of fluxes production processes from local mineral raw materials and production waste / I.A. AњMadshoev, R.S. Rafiev, K. Suyarov, Љ.R. Ruziev, N.A. Naimov//Polytechnic Bulletin. Series: Engineering Research, Dushanbe, 2020.-№1(49).- Pp.67-71.
Processes of formation of coordination compounds in the Zn –tryptophan-saline solution system / M. Rakhimova, M.U. Boboev, K.J.Suyarov, E.F. Fayzulloev, U.H. Boboev // Bulletin of TNU. Series of Natural Sciences. – Dushanbe: Sino, 2020. – No. 2.
TaiI hoseto kislota-asosiy namorando bayse info pivato USB eati tatui one gift TIB/Oh.Š.Suyarov, M.U., Boboev, G.Њ.ЃOibova, A.A. Latipov //Paemi DonishgoњI millii Toљikiston. -Dushanbe, Bakhshi ilmњoi tabi, 2020, No. 3, pp.211-220.
Pivato koordinatsionnyi ionoi ru Bo noladin gift Malolo Ob / Oh.Š.Sarov, M. W. Boboev, M. Rahimova // Pemi Danishei Asgar. Bakhshi ilmњoi tabi. Dushanbe, – 2021. № 1(10-11). — Pp. 40-46
Thermodynamics of the process of processing flotation muscovite concentrate by sulfatization / G.Aminjoni, N.A.Naimov, K.J.Suyarov, J.Ruziev, H.Safiev Reports NANT,-Dushanbe,- 2021.Vol.64, No. 1-2. – pp.102-107.
Kimie (vositai talim) / G.P.Khomchenko. MutarљImon: Њ.M.Yakubov, Ќ. Suyarov, Dushanbe: “ER-graf”, 2022.-519 p.
Complexation of silver(I) with 1,2,3-benzotriazole. Protonization1,2,3-benzotriazole constants./ A. S.Samadov, A. F. Stepnova, E. F.Fayzullozoda, K. J.Suyarov, H. Y. Huseynov. Vestn. Moscow. un-ta. Ser. 2. Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 64. No. 3, pp.270-277.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
E-mail kfk1964@mail.ru
Basic education:
Academic degree:
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.11 – Colloidal chemistry. The dissertation was defended at a meeting of the Specialized Council at the Leningrad State University named after A.A. Zhdanov, 12.05.1977.
Subjects taught:
Physical chemistry, Colloidal chemistry, Physico-chemical properties of surfactants (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry).
Data on professional development:
-Diploma No. 3680 of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University dated 02/18/2020.
Total work experience: 56 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 56 years.
Research interests: Physical chemistry, Colloidal chemistry. Sorption processes.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Kimiei physicist va colloid. Kitobi darsa /L.N.Udratova, A.A.Davlatshoeva, N.Suyarov, A.P.Belyaev, N.B.Saidov, Dushanbe: “ER-graf”, 2019.-656c.
Determination of the acid number of walnut pericarp extract /Sh.Њ. Nudratova, M. M. Rakhimova, L.Њ. Nudratova //Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences. Dushanbe: “Sino” -2021, No. 2, pp. 182-196.
Uratowa Sh. A. Omishi of extracti etanoli pstage charmaz sabzi / sh ). Uratowa, S. G. Shukurova, M. Rahimova, L. ). Uratowa // Mavadi konferenciji panami beynalmilal ilmiy Amalia gift mausi “Masalai of kimiai fizik VA coordination”, key baksida BA germinate hotira doctoron Elmo kimie, profession Hamid Mujcinovic Yakubov VA Supradin Nuriddinovich Yusufov (15-16 November UMI salt 2021). –Dushanbe, 2021.
Nudratova Sh.Њ.Omyzishi ustuvorii thermikii ekstrakti pystlokhi sabzi chormaѓz /Sh.Њ. Nudratova, A. Badalov, L.Њ. Nudratova, Sh.G. Shukurova //Materials of the republican conference on the topic: “The role of modern methods of analysis in the development of science and production” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the development of natural science and mathematical disciplines in the field of science and education (2020-2040). October 5, 2022.-Dushanbe, TNU, -2022, -pp. 27-32.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
E-mail kfk1964@mail.ru
Basic education:
Academic degree:
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council D 047.003.01 at the V.I.Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Subjects taught:
Physical Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry)
Total work experience: 56 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 56 years.
Research interests: Physical chemistry, Sorption processes
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Kimiei colloid. Kitobi darsi / Nazirmadov B.N. //-Dushanbe:Polygraph Group, 2018.-448s.
Sorption of rhodium with iron (III) gyrooxide / S.F. Shodieva, A.D.Huseynov, G.F. Rachinskaya, B.Nazirmadov // Rep.scientific and practical conference “Fundamentals of development and prospects of chemical science in the Republic of Tajikistan” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Chemistry and the memory of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Numanov Ishankul Usmanovich (12-14.2020). –Dushanbe. –pp.49-53.
Osmium sorption by organic sorbents / A.D.Husainov, S.F. Shodieva, B.Nazirmadov //Materials of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028”, “The 80th anniversary of the birth of Yusupov Tillo Yusupovich” on the topic “Synthesis of new biologically active glycerin derivatives based on amino acids, peptides and fullerene C60”, June 28-29, 2018. -Dushanbe, 2018.-P.105.
Investigation and separation of elements of the chromium subgroup from related metals / S.F. Shodieva, A.D. Husainov, B.Nazirmadov //Materials of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028”, “The 80th anniversary of the birth of Yusupov Tillo Yusupovich” on the topic “Synthesis of new biologically active glycerin derivatives based on amino acids, peptides and fullerene C60”, June 28-29, 2018. -Dushanbe, 2018.-P.99.
Sorption of platinum with zirconium hydroxide / A.D. Husainov, S.F.Shodieva, B.Nazirmadov //Materials of the republican scientific and theoretical conference of the teaching staff and staff of TNU dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Hero of Tajikistan Mirzo Tursunzade, the 110th anniversary of the birth of the People’s Writer of Tajikistan Sotim Ulugzod and “The twentieth Anniversary of the study and development of natural, exact and mathematical sciences in the field of science and education (2020-2040)”, -Dushanbe, 2021 (April 19-24).

Position: Assistant of the department
Academic title: —
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
E-mail: s.s.rasul@mail.ru
Tel.: +992 111503838
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
PDS 0200.002 “Chemical Sciences” at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia at the address: Ordzhonikidze str., 3, Moscow, 117923, Russia
Academic title: Senior lecturer
Subjects taught: Physical Chemistry, Physical research methods, (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Course of information Technology” (29.12.2016)
Total work experience: 9 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 9 years.
Research interests: chemistry of coordination compounds of silver and copper with sulfur-containing organic ligands in aqueous solutions
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Complexation of silver(I) with 1,2,3-benzotriazole. protonation constants of 1,2,3-benzotriazole.Samadov A.S., Stepnova A.F., Fayzullozoda E.F., Kuzmenko A.N., Plakhotnaya O.N., Kuzin A.V., Suyarov K.D. Huseynov H.Ya. Vestn. Moscow. un-ta. Ser. 2. Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 64. No.3. pp. 270-277. DOI: 10.55959/MSU0579-9384-2-2023-64-3-270-277
Thermodynamic characteristics of silver(I) complexation reactions with some N- and N,N’-substituted thioureas in aqueous solution. Samadov A.S., Mironov I.V., Kaziev G.Z., Cherednichenko A.G., Fayzullozoda E.F., Stepnova A.F. Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2022. Vol. 67. No. 10. pp. 1453-1458. DOI: 10.31857/S0044457X22100257
Effect of temperatureon the stability of mononuclearandbinuclearsilver(I) complexes with thiourea and N-phenylthioureainaqueous solutions. Samadov A.S., Kaziev G.Z., Stepnova A.F., Mironov I.V., Cherednichenko A.G., Faizullozoda E.F. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2022. Vol. 96. No. 6. pp. 1243-1248. DOI: 10.31857/S0044453722060218
Stability of mononuclear and binuclear complexes of silver(I) with thiosemicarbazide in aqueous solution. Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.G., Kuzmenko A.N., Plakhotnaya O.N., Kuzin A.V., Fayzulloev E.F. Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 2: Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 62. No. 2. pp. 152-157.
Potentiometric study of the copper(II) ions complexation process with thioureain acidic medium. Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.G., Eliseeva E.A. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Series Natural Sciences. 2021. No. 2 (95). pp. 134-141. DOI: 10.18698/1812-3368-2021-2-134-141
Potentiometric determination of redox potentials of the system: thiourea and some of its N-substituted. Samadov A.S., Mironov I.V., Kaziev G.Z., Kovalchukova O.V., Stepnova A.F. News of higher educational institutions. Series: Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2021. Vol. 64. No. 7. pp. 27-32. DOI: 10.6060/ivkkt.20216407.6343
Copper(II) complexation with thiosemicarbazideinaqueous solution. Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.G., Kaziev G.Z., Stepnova A.F., Faizullozoda E.F. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2021. Vol. 95. No. 9. pp. 1841-1845. DOI: 10.31857/S0044453721090223
Potentiometric study of theprocess of complexation of silver(I) ions with thiourea. Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.G., Eliseeva E.A., Boldyrev V.S. Non-ferrous metals. 2021. No. 9. pp. 33-38. DOI: 10.17580/tsm.2021.09.02
Complexation equilibria of silver(I) ions with N-phenylthioureainaqueous solutions. Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.G., Stepnova A.F., Mironov I.V. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 65. No. 7. pp. 1081-1084. DOI: 10.31857/S0044457X2007017X
Study of silver(I) complex formation with some thioureaderivativesinaqueous solution. Samadov A.S., Gorichev I.G., Stepnova A.F., Mironov I.V., Kovalchukova O.V. Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 90. No. 11. pp. 2111-2114. DOI: 10.31857/S0044460X20110141

Longitude: Senior preparatory chairs
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: E-mail: bmu.251288@mail.ru
Tel.: (+992) 918-90-90-66
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.04-Physical Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council 6D.KOA-003 at the Tajik National University
Prepared dispiplines: Physical chemistry, Colloidal Physical chemistry and colloidal chemistry, Fundamentals of electrochemical production, chemistry of gases and liquids, pH-metry in complexation, Physical research methods (for example, Podovki: 1-31050102-Chemistry).
Data on advanced training: The Institute of Advanced Training of Preparatory Preparations for obtaining additional acquisitions in the study of the university on the provision of a credit system (02.02.2013), the formed subgenital Yazov sectors (10.11.2015) and existing disqualifiers (02.02.2013).18.02.2020).
Total work experience: 13 years.
Work experience in specificity: 13 years.
The field of wrist interiors: Search for coordinate transition metals with amino acids in aquatic and non-aquatic plants
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
Coordination compounds of zinc with tryptophan models of their formation processes / M.On. Boboev, К.DJ. Suyarov, M.Rakhimova, U.B. Boboev // IV International Educational Conference: “The future of physical and coordination chemistry” Dushanbe -2019. – S 50-55.
Stability of coordination compounds of iron (III) and vanilla Ion in solution / K.J.Suyarov, M.On. Boboev, J.A.Davlatshoeva, E.F.Fayzulloev / / Materials of the scientific and theoretical conference “Problems of modern chemistry from nature conservation and implementation of scientific and industrial innovations” (October 30-31, 2019). – Dangara, 2019. – S36-39.
Scientific particle of the study of the process of complexization of norleutsin by surface ions in aqueous and physiological solution depending on temperature and ionic strength / G. Pobeditskaya, К.DJ. Suyarov, M.On.Boboev / materials of the scientific and theoretical conference of the Tajik poet Kamoli Khujandi “and “twentieth anniversary of the study and development of natural, exact and mathematical disciplines in the field of science and education (2020-2040) “2019. – S36-39.
Alchemical alphabet / Boboev U.H., Gafurov B.A., Boboev M.On. // Bokhtar — 2020-196 P.
General and complex properties of isoleucine and tryptophan / Fayzullaev F.E., Boboev M.On., Suyarov К.DJ., Boboev U.H. // (Scientific monograph), PH, Dushanbe — 2020. – 115 P.
Processes of creating coordinate compounds in the Zn –tryptophan-physiological rastor system / Rakhimova M., Boboev M.On., Suyarov К.DJ., Fayzulloev E.F., Boboev U.H. // Bulletin of TNU. A series of carefully selected sciences. – Monday: Sinai, 2020. – No. 2. not a microwave oven.
Complex compounds of zinc with tryptophan / M.On. Boboev M. Rakhimova, К.DJ. Suyarov, U.H.Boboev / / All-Russian Congress-on “chemical heterocyclic composition “”Cost-2021”. Sochi October 12-16, 2021. – From 337.
Effect of solvents on the formation of coordination compounds of surface ions with norleutsin (temperature 318K, ionic strength 0.1) / К.DJ. Suyarov, M.On. Boboev M. Rakhimova / / materials of the III International scientific and practical conference on the topic “development of chemical science and its fields of application” in honor of the 80th anniversary of the memory of D.I.kh. Corresponding member of AMIT, Professor Kimsanov buri Khakimovich (November 10, 2021) -Dushanbe — 2021.- S 193-197.
Investigation of the pH-meter process of formation of ion complexes with norleutsin at a temperature of 303 K and an ionic power of 0.1 in solution / K.J. Suyarov, M.On. Boboev M. Rakhimova / / collection of articles of the V scientific-international conference on “Issues of physical and coordination chemistry” in honor of the memory of professors Hamid Mukhsin Yakubovich and Zukhuriddin Nuriddinovich Yusufov (November 15-16, 2021) -Dushanbe – 2021.- S 182-186.
Investigation of ionic forms of tryptophan in an aqueous and non-residential environment at a temperature of 293.16 K / M. On. Boboev M. Rakhimova, К.DJ . Suyarov, U.H.Boboev / collection of articles of the first international conference on the topic “Prospects for the development of chemical research of coordination compounds and their practical application”, dedicated to the memory of Professor Saodat Mukhammedovna Basitova, 80th anniversary Mavluda and the 60th anniversary of the scientific and pedagogical activity of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Azizkulova Onidjon Azizkulovna (March 30-31, 2022) -Dushanbe — 20222.- S 325-330.
Determination of tryptophan ionization constants / M by the Birrum method.On. Boboev, K.J. Suyarov M. Rakhimova / / excerpt from an article at the Republican scientific and theoretical conference of teachers and staff of NPOO dedicated to “years of industrial development (2022-2026)” and “honoring Mavlono Balkhiddin” — Dushanbe 2022. – S 48-50.
Using the questionnaire method to determine the degree of cognitive abilities and independence of students, the effectiveness of educational institutions and the influence of pedagogical factors on their / her formation. H. Boboev, S. D. Bandaev, M. On. Boboev / / Message of the National University. No. 7-Monday 2022. – promotions. 311-339.

Position: Assistant
E-mail: Jamoliddinov_F_90@mail.ru.
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Subjects taught:Physical Chemistry, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry (Field of study: 1-31050102-Chemistry)
Data on professional development:
-Diploma No. 1021- Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Institutions of Higher Professional Education at the National University of Tajikistan dated 12/27/2014
— Diploma No. 5143 -Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Institutions of Higher Professional Education at the National University of Tajikistan dated 07.12.2016
Total work experience:10 years old.
Work experience in the specialty:10 years old.
Research interests: study of Re(V ) coordination compounds in acidic solutions of N-methyl-, N-ethylthiourea.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Jamoliddinov F. J. The effect of temperature on the stability of complex compounds Re(V) with N-ethylthiourea/ F.J.Jamoliddinov, S.M.Safarmamadzoda, J.A.Davlatshoeva// Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 95. No. 8. pp. 1175-1179.
Jamoliddinov F. J. N-methylthiourea complexes of oxochloro–rhenium(V) in a medium of 6 M HCl at a temperature of 273 – 338 K/ J. F. Jamoliddinov// Bulletin of TSPU. // Dushanbe. – 2022. -№2 (14).- Pp. 146-153.