The Radio Frequency Department of Rare and Scattered Elements of the Faculty of Chemistry began its activity in reproducing the reconstruction of the laboratory problem of radio frequency and scattered elements in conjunction with the solutions of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR dated 12/26/1964 Protocol No. 87 and pricazom rektor Universiteta No. 829 dated 07/05/1963. Laboratory renovation and its management from 1965 to 1980 byl dozent A.I.Novikov.
In the research department worked-Goncharova Lyubov Konstantinovna-Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Egorova Lidiya Alexandrovna-Candidate of Chemical Sciences Elnazarov Sultan Elnazarovich-Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Pyotr Nikolaevich Pigey-Candidate of Chemical Sciences and Zakrevskoy T.M. Grishanov V.F. Huseynov A.D., Dostoev Sh. Eshbekov N., Radzhabova M. The exact identification of the laboratory was caused by the problem of redkich radio frequencies and individual elements. Since 1981, the laboratory problem of radio frequency and dispersed elements has been led by Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Gomidov Vanil Odinaevich.
After the creation of the Republic of Tajikistan data, they were not qualified specialists in the control and storage of radioactive detachments. According to this parable, according to the rector, University No. 239-9 in July 1994, on the basis of the Department of Radio Chemistry and Scattered Elements, the Department of Applied Chemistry and Radionuclides was created. The department and the scientific study group in the main work in two directions: general radio receiver and applied radio receiver. During the existence of the Department of Applied Chemistry and Radio, more than 12 candidates of Chemical Sciences have been trained at the department.
In connection with the order of the Rector of the University No. 550-09 dated November 09, 2009 and the creation of item 100-a standard location on the most important acquisitions of the Republic and decisions of our University by Order No. 3 dated 30.09.209, the teaching methodology “wired” and “applied chemistry and radionuclides” combined the name “Applied Chemistry”.
In this regard, in order to solve the problems associated with the implementation of the ruling program of gradual re-equipment of the proposed Republics of Tajikistan to the existing connection at the workplace has been changed. The work at the departments is connected with the development of technological converters of medium mineral cheese and washed waste of the chemical washing Republic of Tajikistan with a whole package of industrial prerequisites.
On the basis of the departments, there is a scientific school of Professor Ruziev J.R., which is common to all users engaged in the study and development of technologies for the transfer of various mineral cheese and washed waste. Since 2009, 1 Doctor of Technical Sciences and 5 Candidates of Sciences have their dissertations on the basis of the departments. These are Ruziev J.R. – Ct.n., Turaev S.S. – Ct.n., Radjabov G. – Ct.n. Kurbonova H.R. – Ct.n., Mudinov H.H. – Ct.n., Davlatamadova M.M. – Ct.n. The results at individual conferences, in different journals and in these resources are stored 30 links to images and actions at different workplaces in the project.
The department provides specialists in the field of education and production in the specialty “Chemist. Researcher”, who work on reasonable pretexts of the Republic of Tajikistan. Every year, more than 40 students specialize in applied wiring under the guidance of chair preparers with uspek defend their projects and theses.
Chairmen of the Department of Applied Wire and Radionuclides Khamidov vanili Odinaevich. From March 2008 to September 30, 2009, the department is headed by Associate Professor Kovarova Latofat Huseynovna. From 30.09.2009 to 26.08.2016, the final departments of applied wire work of associate professor Khusainov Avaz Dodoevich. From 08/26/2016, Associate Professor Rafiev Rustam Safaralievich will appear at the end of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the established time.
At the setting time of reception and accompaniment of chairs appear:the final chairs are Rafiev R.S., Professor Ruziev B.R., associate professor, Kh.N. Ermamadova S.D., assistants K.H.N. Mudinov H.D., Ct.N. Kurbonova H.R., Ct.N. Davlatamadova M.M., postgraduate student of the department I.Akhmadshoev. completing educational laboratory work Boynazarova K.K., laboratory assistants Rakhimova M.K. Nurova S.N.

Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specificity 02.00.01-inorganic chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council EP 047.003.01 at the Institute of Wire named after S.I. Nikitin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Intermediate disciplines: Theoretical foundations of inorganic synthesis. Methods of counting chemicals. Radiochemistry (comparison of preparation 31050101-picladnaya chemistry)
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are outstanding acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “Edible sciences-Chemistry” (2020).
Total work experience:27
Work experience in specialization: 22
The area of found interiors: chemical technology of intersections of inter-eyed faces, supporting ores and washed waste.
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
Thermodynamics of the processes of obtaining fluxes from intermediate mineral cheese and release codes / / Polytechnic Bulletin. Engineering Research series. No. 1 (49) – 2020 I.A. Akhmedshoev, R.S. Rafiev, К.DJ. Suyarov, J.R. Ruziev et al.
Technological processing of pollen of Portland cement from mineral deposits (technology of processing the production of Portland cement from local minerals) / Ruziev J.R. Rafiev R.S. Ashur Husnia Barot scientific journal “young researchers”, number 1, 2021,
Kinetics and mechanism of processes in the joint transformation of coal ash and carbon-, fluorine-containing aluminum production waste / N.A. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev / / Bulletin of the Pedagogical uneversiteta of Sadridin’s birthday at the present time (letter sciences). – Monday. – 2022. — №1(13). – S 125-130.
Study of chemical and mineralogical sestavs of coal ash of Tajikistan / N.A. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev / / Bulletin of the Pedagogical uneversiteta of Sadridin’s birthday at the present time (letter sciences). – Monday. 2022. — №2(14). – S 132-138.
Coals and carbon-, fluorine-containing wastes are the derivatives of aluminum sinter ash./ NA. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev, P.T.Salimova/ Bulletin of the Pedagogical University named after Sadridin at the present time (letter sciences). – Monday. – 2022. — №3(15). – S 125-133.
Processing of the technological process of separation of aluminum-fluoride sinter / N.A. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev, P.T. / Bulletin of the Pedagogical University named after Sadridin at the present time (existing sciences).– 2022. — №3(15). – S 116-121.

Professor of the Department of Applied Wires
Academic title: Professor
Degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences in specificity 02.00.04.- physical Chemistry.The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council EP 047.003.01 at the Institute of Wire named after S.I. Nikitin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
High-rise disciplines: “transmitter of intermediate alumina-containing cheese”, “silicon technologies and materials involved” and “Recycling of chemical prevention research waste” (for example, podovki 31050101-Peak chemistry)
Data on professional development:
Institutions based on qualifications are outstanding acquisitions at the organizational university at the request of “Edible sciences-Chemistry” (2020).
Total work experience:27
Work experience in specialization: 27
The area of found interiors: chemical technology of intersections of inter-eyed persons supporting ores and finishing aluminum promotions.
Installation publications (for more than 3 years):
Development of image processing technologies of muskovit-stavrolite shales of the Kurgovadskoye deposit by flotation method/Docklades AN Republic Today. -2020. – Vol.63. -No.3-4. – S 231-239minjon G. Ruziev J.R. et al.
Thermodynamics flotation concentrate transfer process sulfatization method / / Reports of NANT, 2021. – Volume 63. – No. 1- 2. – S 102-107.Ruziev D.R., Aminjon G.
Technologies for processing alumina-containing ores of Tajikistan sulfatization method / / The monograph of Dushanbe, packed in the copy center “Simo”, 2021. 125c. The pod.editorsafiev Kh . Naimov N.A., Russievj.R., Aminjon G.
Physico-chemical aspects of the technology for obtaining the cryolite used for the production of aluminum by a hydrochemical method using common salt / Kh. Safiev, N.A. Naimov, J.R.Ruziev, I.Sh , Akhmadshoev, A.M. Yurakulov, A. Murodiyon, N.V. Nemchi-nova // Polytech. Journal. – 2022. — №26(2). – P. 348-356.
Kinetics and mechanism of processes in the joint transformation of coal ash and carbon-, fluorine-containing aluminum production waste / N.A. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev / / Bulletin of the Pedagogical uneversiteta of Sadridin’s birthday at the present time (letter sciences). – Monday. – 2022. — №1(13). – S 125-130.
Study of chemical and mineralogical sestavs of coal ash of Tajikistan / N.A. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev / / Bulletin of the Pedagogical uneversiteta of Sadridin’s birthday at the present time (letter sciences). – Monday. 2022. — №2(14). – S 132-138.
Coals and carbon-, fluorine-containing wastes are the derivatives of aluminum sinter ash./ NA. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev, P.T.Salimova/ Bulletin of the Pedagogical University named after Sadridin at the present time (letter sciences). – Monday. – 2022. — №3(15). – S 125-133.
Processing of the technological process of isolation of aluminum-fluoride sinter / N.A. Naimov, H. Safiev, J.R. Ruziev, R.S. Rafiev, P.T. Salimova, G. Aminjon / Bulletin of the Pedagogical University named after Sadridin at the present time (letter sciences).– 2022. — №3(15). – S 116-121.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic title: Associate Professor
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Email address: Tel.: +992935037659
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.04 Physical Chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
047.003.01 at the D. S. I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic degree: Associate Professor
Academic disciplines: Radiochemistry, fundamentals of scientific research, technology of metal production
Information about professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the National University of Tajikistan in the direction of “natural sciences-chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 27 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 24 years.
Research interests: Complexation of gelase, honey, zinc and silver with organic ligands containing nitrogen and lead, solutions
The most important publications (for the ambassador. 3 years):
Umarali Rajabov, Raufjon Sultonov, Abdurasul Sanginov, Savribegim Yamramadova, Ganjina Navruzova investigated the physicochemical properties of zinc and Ferras and its effect on the development of the mouse fetus.. International Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry. Special Edition: Drug Research: Modern approaches to search, development and analysis. Volume 6. No. 3, 2020, p. 31-36.(- 2020; 6(3): 31-36 ISSN: 2575-5730.
Akhamadova S.D., Kamolova I. On. Rajabov U. R. Complexation of iron (II) with mercazolyl at a temperature of 298 K and an ionic strength of 1.0 mol/l / Report of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.Volume 64, No. 11-12, Dushanbe, 2021, pp.694-700.
Akhamadovas.D., Boynazarova K. Rajabov U. R. Synthesis and investigation of silver (I) with albendazole. international scientific and practical journal ENLESS LIGHT inSCIENCE. DOI.0.2441/2709_2022_2022_116_119.Almaty. Kazakhstan.2022, pp. 116-120.
Savribegimer Mamadov is a complex compound of Qin with mercazolil. 13 International exhibition of inventions in the Far East. 53.2023

Position: Senior lecturer of the Department of Applied Chemistry
Academic title: Senior Lecturer
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01 – inorganic chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council DM 047.003.01 at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Subjects taught: Coordinate chemistry. Radiochemistry (Training area 31050101-picladnaya chemistry)
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience:12
Work experience in the specialty:12
Research interests: chemical technology of processing of local alumina-containing ores and industrial waste.
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
1. Thermodynamic analysis of phase transformations of trace elements in the process of coal combustion / Rafiev R.S., Mudinov H.G. Ruziev J.R.// Proceeding of the International Symposium On Innovative development of science. December 10, 2020, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Research Center of Innovative Technologies,Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences, p.138
2. Sulfuric acid decomposition of fly ash by a thermal power plant/ Rafiev R.S., Mudinov H.G.Ruziev J.R.// Proceeding of the International Symposium On Innovative development of science. December 10, 2020, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Research Center of Innovative Technologies,Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences, p.141
3. Thermodynamic analysis during sulfuric acid decomposition of cerium-containing coal ash /Ruziev J.R., Mudinov H.G., Rafiev R.S. // Proceeding of the International Symposium On Innovative development of science. December 10, 2020, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Research Center of Innovative Technologies,Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences, p.138
4. Kinetic patterns of extraction of aluminum, iron and cerium from coal fly ash/ Ruziev J.R., Mudinov H.G., Rafiev R.S. // Proceeding of the International Symposium On Innovative development of science. December 10, 2020, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Research Center of Innovative Technologies,Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences, p.150
5. The complex ofњosilkunii nuќra (I) bo 1,2,4-triazolthiol dar muњithiob -atsetone// Mudinov H..Akhmedov D.I.// Republican scientific and theoretical conference of students and masters of TNU dedicated to “Years of industrial development (2022-2026)” and “Honoring Mavlono Jaloliddin Balkhi”
6. The complex of нуOsilkuniya nuќra (I) bo 1,2,4-triazolthiol dar muњithiob- alcohol /Mudinov Kh.Akhmedov D.I.// Republican scientific and theoretical conference of students and masters of TNU dedicated to “Years of industrial development (2022-2026)” and “Honoring Mavlono Jaloliddin Balkhi”

Davlatmamadova Mavluda Mamadniyozovna
Position: Senior lecturer of the Department
Academic title: Senior Lecturer
Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Email address:
Tel.: +992936360636
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 02.00.04 – physical chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council
DM 47.003.03 at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Academic title: Senior lecturer
Subjects taught: Chemical resistance of materials. Fundamentals of technical drawing. Radiochemistry (Field of study: 31050101- Applied Chemistry);
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 17 years.
Work experience in the specialty: 17 years.
Research interests: Physico-chemical and technological bases of talc purification in Tajikistan
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
Development of a basic technological scheme for talc purification of the Mulvodzhskoye deposit by the hydrochloric acid method. Davlatmamadova M.M., Ruziev J.R., Yusufi S.J. Republican scientific and theoretical conference of the faculty and staff of TNU dedicated to “Years of rural development, tourism and folk crafts” and “400th anniversary of Mirobid Sayido Nasafi” Dushanbe-2020 P-107
Technologiyai korkard va tozakunii asheihomi maњallii “Talk”. Davlatmamadova M. M. Konferenciji amarevia ilmiy nazariyasi yati octogono karmandan VA donesti DMT baksida BA ashnai “5500-Solagii of Sarazm Boston”, “700-Solagii of shoiri of shoiri barasti took Camogli Hood” VA “VA Bissoli Amish Rushdie Fano tabacchino, Dai VA ries gift soai Ilmu Maarif (solo 2020-2040)”
Tarzi bo acid chloride toza namudani tolki koni mulvoљ. Davlatmamadova M.M.Yusufi S.Љ. Muassisai davlatii “Markazi milli patentu ittiloot”-i vazorati rushdi and itisod va savdoi Љt Dushanbe 2020 saњ.4
A medicinal product for the treatment of allergic skin diseases. Davlatmamamdova Mavluda. Forum of Challenges and Inventions. November 4-12, 2021. Qatar, Doha
A medicinal product for the treatment of allergic skin diseases. Davlatmamamdova Mavluda. International Inventors Forum. 11-12 May 2022 Poland, Katowice

Position: Senior lecturer of the Department
Academic title: Senior Lecturer
Basic education: Chemist-teacher.
Intermediate dispersions: switch technology for non-ferrous metals, chemical purification methods, technologies and standardization of precious metals and their layers (for example, preparation 31050101-applied chemistry)
Data on professional development: —
Total work experience: 22 years.
Work experience in specialization: 22 years.
The field of wrist interiors: complexation of transition metals in aquatic and water-organic plants.
Installation publications (for the last 3 years):
1. Thermodynamics of the Ag(I) complex with 1 – methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole/ Safarmamadov S.M., Sodatdinova A.S. Abdurakhmonov B.F. // Message of the Tajik National University, Sector of Natural Sciences -2020, No. 4 s-301-310
2. Complex compounds with 1-methyl-2-mercamidazole: installation, thermodynamic properties, practical application // Abdurakhmonov B.F., Safarmamadzoda S.M., Saodatdinova A.S. and [other] / / Izvestiya NAS RT. – Monday 2021 No. 1 (262). – S17- 25.
3.Main properties-acidity of 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole/ Abdurakhmonov B.F., Safarmamadzoda S.M., Saodatdinova A.S. // Message of the National University of Tajikistan. – Dushanbe 2021 No. 1issn 2413 -452 X. – S145- 155.
4. Abdurakhmanov B.F. The certificate of the author of the invention “Hula based on default” for the invention of the firstborn No. TJ 1265 dated May 20, 2022 was registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Tajikistan.
5. Electrolytic polishing of metals at different current densities / Abdurakhmonova B.F. Nurmatov T.M., Appraisers Yu.F., Majidov I.A.// Republican conference with a long-distance section on the topic”complex messages and links and examples”, fixed “70th anniversary of memory for the work of AN RT correspondent, Ph.D. Professor Aminjanova Azimjon Alimovich”. Monday, October 20-21, 2021 p. 66
6. Measuring the level of copper and its temperament by electrochemical method. / Abdurakhmanov B.F. Nurmatov T.M., Appraisers Yu.F. // Republican scientific and theoretical conference of teachers and staff of NPOO dedicated to the “years of industrial development (2022-2026) ” and “honoring the Mavlono Balkh Jamoliddin” (published in Dushanbe – 2022.

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Chemistry
Academic title: Senior Lecturer
Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Basic education: Chemist. Technologist
Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specialty 02.00.01 – inorganic chemistry. The dissertation was defended in the Dissertation Council DM 047.003.06 at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Subjects taught: Applied Electrochemistry. Radiochemistry (Training area 31050101-picladnaya chemistry)
Data on professional development:
Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions at the Tajik National University in the direction of “Natural Sciences-Chemistry” (2020)
Total work experience: 14
Work experience in the specialty: 10
Research interests: Synthesis of coordination compounds of d-transition metals c production of pyrazolone in aqueous and non-aqueous media
The most important publications (for the last 3 years):
1. Complexation of copper (II) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion in a medium of 3 mol/l /Khasanov F.N., Bakhodurov Yu.F., Goziev.J., Rakhmatulloev B.K.// Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Department of Physical and Mathematical, Chemical, Geological and Technical Sciences. 2021. No. 2 (183). pp. 96-104.
2. Nitrate coordination compounds of copper (II) with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion /Safarmamadov S.M., Khasanov F.N., Bakhodurov Yu.F., Goziev E.D.//Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences. 2020. No. 1. pp. 192-200.
3. Investigation of the complexation process in the copper (II)-1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazoline-5-thion-hcl–acetone system by the potentiometric method//Khasanov F.N., Bakhodurov Yu.F., GozievN.J., Rakhmatulloev B.K./Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 97. No. 2. pp. 1-6.